March: Part 11

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Dear Friend,

Jason and I drove to the lake this morning and went for a light jog with Chester. He thinks the way I run is "hot." The random way that comment came at me gave me a big belly laugh. However, I refrained from giving him a similar compliment. I think if Jason knew how much I've stared at his shoulder muscles and abs over the years, he'd go running for the hills.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Dear Friend,

Today is Easter Sunday. Despite the reputation California has for being a self-absorbed, money-hungry, politically progressive and godless state - I fully understand that Easter is not about a creepy bunny that drops off candy to children, or brunch with the grandparents.

I pulled out a Bible and read the chapters from the New Testament about where Good Friday through Easter Sunday came from: the death of Christ. I even prayed afterwards. God sacrificing His son Jesus for the greater good of mankind so the debt of our sins would be forgiven and wiped away is incredible to me. I can't imagine sacrificing anyone I love for a bunch of undeserving people. It's something to think about, especially as I get older and am starting to grasp what unconditional love really means.

I went over to the Conners' and sat on the couch with Tracy and Jason. We all pigged out on Cadbury eggs.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Dear Friend,

Chloe called me tonight and told me she couldn't stop going over what Tessa had said on Friday about having a dad. As a fellow Daddy's girl (and being the sweet peacemaker she is), Chloe felt prompted to call her and ask her questions about Tessa's dad. I wish she would've asked one of her long-term friends first if that was a good idea. But I can tell you that upon that question, Renee's and my eyes would've widened and we would've rapidly shook our heads. Chloe would've saved herself the regret of inquiring. Tessa's dad is a sore subject for her.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, bracing for an argument between Tessa and Chloe. "What happened?" I asked, holding the phone to my ear.

"I was timid, nervous...but I thought I could help. I thought Friday was her way of reaching out and wanting someone to talk to. So I asked if she ever tried to contact or find her father."

Unless Tessa was this sullen secret-keeper all of a sudden, I knew the answer to this. "And what'd she say?"

Chloe confirmed my thought. "She said, and I quote: 'My old man is a child support check and some bum musician and that's it.' Or at least that's what he was doing when he left, she said. She also said: 'It's been twelve years so he's doing God knows what now. If my dad cared more about being the next Kurt Cobain than he did about watching me grow up, then he's not someone I want in my life.'"

I grimaced. "Ouch."

"That's what I said! I offered that maybe he's changed and he's just ashamed, but she insisted flippantly that they live in the same city and he knows where to find her." She sighed over the line. "I feel awful. I never should've made her dredge that up."

"Chloe, it's okay. It sounds like she knows you were only looking out. If she were mad at you, I think I would've gotten a call."


"Yeah. What really sucks though is she expects this of him. You didn't say anything she hasn't probably gone over in her head a hundred times."

I felt so terrible for Tessa. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. I can't even picture what it would be like if my dad left. He would never have it in him. It amazes me that some fathers can.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Dear Friend,

Now that Lydia is done with Justin and can't get Jason to come crawling back to her (if that's something that even interests her), that leaves her available. Every boy in school knows that and all the juniors are clamoring all over her for a date and her number (of course, if phone books weren't becoming this obsolete thing, some of these boys might have memorized her number in there ten jillion times).

Lydia flirts back with some of these cute boys, but I strongly suspect by her body language that she's leading them on and that surprises me a little bit. I personally don't think how cute they are should have anything to do with going out with someone, but I'm looking at it from a shallow girl's point of view. She's kind of flicking these boys away like flies. She doesn't seem to talk to them for very long before waving goodbye and sauntering away. Shockingly, I'm getting the sense that the reason she isn't giving any of these boys the time of day is that having a boyfriend is not a priority for her right now. She seems...I don't know...different. I can't put my finger on it. Of course if she just happens to hook her radar on Jason, I'm going to have to tell her to keep her hands off! He's mine.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Dear Friend,

Spring break is just around the corner. It can't get here fast enough. I know Harriet is relieved for the break. She really wants to take some of the workload off so she can be there for her mom. I feel bad for her lack of social life. I think I'm going to stop by her place and surprise her with a pie or something over the week off. I can't wait to see the look on her face.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Dear Friend,

Look, I know Chloe is super pumped to get her braces off tomorrow, but if I have to hear about it one more time, I may smack her glasses off her face. 'Golly' is not a word anymore and someone may deck her in this school if she says it loud enough.

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