January: Part 13

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Saturday, January 29, 2005

Dear Friend,

My stomach was in knots getting ready. It was my first date (ever) so I wanted to look fantastic, but I knew my parents would see me leave looking suspiciously dressed up so I had to downplay my look. Wearing a dress wasn't an option; red lipstick was a no-no. Excessive mascara, nice shoes, switching to a prettier purse - all out of the question. So I glumly changed into dressier low-rise jeans, a blue top, and put gloss on my lips. My parents wouldn't suspect. I told them there's an art museum in Florin with an exhibit I was doing a paper on and Jason offered to take me for research. When my mom asked why I didn't ask her to take me, I waved her off with, "There's a burger joint that's specifically Florin-based, so he never gets to go there. We're helping each other out." She totally bought it.

Jason came to the door like a gentleman. "Ready to go?" he asked nonchalantly. But there was a twinkle in his eye. I tried not to blush in front of my mom who was at the door with me.

"What time should we expect her home?" my mom asked. "Her curfew is 9."

I groaned. "Mom, it's 6 now, and Florin's easily forty minutes away and then traffic. We need as much time as possible at the museum before close..."

"I suppose it's all right. It's not a school night and it's for a grade. Your father will be proud of how proactive you're being. I'll let him know."

I tried not to look too happy. "Thanks, Mom."

"Bye, Mrs. Wallace," Jason said with a wave.

We walked to the Jeep, beaming at each other. This was actually happening.

"So," Jason said, turning the ignition. "Your dad's still got that iron fist about Hopkins, huh?"

I sighed. "Don't make it sound so terrible."

He shrugged. "It just seems like he's got this one-track mind-set. Doesn't he want you to have any fun? Would you dating be so terrible?"

"He means well. He just wants me to have a good future."

"A locked-in future, more like," Jason scoffed with a slight head shake.

"Why does this bug you so much? What's the big deal? I thought you loved my dad."

"I do, babe. But I don't want your youth to blow right past to fulfill his every wish. You have the rest of your life to work your butt off. He should want you to live a little while you can completely unencumbered with responsibilities."

I smiled big. "Jason, you just called me babe..."

He smirked as he watched the road. "Well...you're my girl, aren't you?"

His top was down on the expressway, so I shivered and pulled my hair into a ponytail to avoid wind whipping it in my face.

"In the backseat there should be a sweatshirt of mine. You're welcome to borrow it," he said gently.

Sure enough, I spotted a navy sweatshirt in the backseat and pulled it over my head. "It smells like you," I whispered.

We talked and sang along to the radio the rest of the way there, laughing and flirting. It was like our friendship enhanced by a hundred. When we got there, he opened my car door for me. I about melted. We walked into the dimly lit restaurant and looked around at the tables. We recognized no one.

"We're in the clear," he whispered, and kissed the back of my hand he was holding.

He was so cute. He ordered the T-bone, I ordered salmon. He couldn't help letting out waitress know this was our first date. We talked football, friends, my temps, the past... I wondered if we'd discuss the future when he said (as if reading my thoughts), "I wanna be with you, Cassie."

For the last hour we'd been so relaxed - leaning close, elbows on the table, a hand supporting our heads. Talking quietly. Taking bites of our food, sips of water. I smiled at the more serious note the night was taking. "Yeah?"

He looked at me like I was an MVP trophy. "Yes."

A soft smile lit up my whole face. "I want that. I want that so much."

He kissed me soft and slow. I smiled against his lips. I can't remember the last time I was this happy - fireworks in my chest. This peaceful wave came over me like all was perfect. We drew apart only a few inches, locking eyes. He looked eager for more. I nodded slowly and our lips met once again. I could feel Jason pressing his hand to my back, pulling me to his chest in the booth. I ran a few fingers through his hair shyly, something I've wanted to do for God knows how long. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear after his lips moved away. I kept my eyes shut, holding the moment. When I opened them, a runaway tear slid down. He rubbed it away with his thumb.

The night went perfectly. Driving home, I was disappointed. I knew this wouldn't be the only date we ever had, but it's not like we could drive out of the district every time we wanted to see each other. Soon we'd have to let people know.

He parked in front of my house, looked around to make sure nobody was in sight, then quickly pecked me on the lips and asked if I wanted to be walked up.

"Nah. Better not," I said, unbuckling. "You live a hundred feet away. I'll see you soon."


I grinned.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Dear Friend,

My dad took me driving today for a couple of hours. I'm getting a good amount of practice in and starting to get the hang of it. He even bought me a California manual last week to study the driving laws when it's time for me to take the written test and road test. My birthday is still quite a way off, but you know me. I study a ton. My dad and I had a nice time talking (about things other than school) and when I baked tonight after dinner as a thank-you, I thought of Jason. I'm going to have to bake for him sometime.

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