August: Part 2

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Thursday, August 5, 2004

Dear Friend,

If you want to know what happened the rest of the night, I ended up having a sprained ankle after all. I stumbled weakly on it today with a cast, but Mom practically begged me to use my crutches. I thought it looked completely embarrassing, but I ended up taking her advice, because it really hurts!

Friday, August 6, 2004

Dear Friend,

I'm using my crutches better and things are going much smoother. Word is around town that Jason did make Lakota's team. I've never been to one of his games before. I'm hoping to see at least one by the end of the year. Well, I would've gone over to congratulate this neighbor of mine on his achievement, but he and "the guys" (his teammates and friends) went to Pizza Hut afterwards. I'm guessing the head coach wanted to throw a little party for them for their hard work. Not that I would know. I haven't seen him play since he was in little league at age twelve, so I don't know how good he became.

Anyway, today I was lying back with my ankle and sat around watching movies all day (which wasn't so bad considering that it was rainy today). So it really wasn't too hard to "take it easy." Surprisingly, Brendan had nothing to do on a Friday night. Being seventeen, you'd think he would've had better things to do than sit around with me half the day and watch movies. Sometimes he isn't all that bad. He'll be eighteen in October, and he has matured. Though we didn't have much of a problem with each other in the first place. We actually get along pretty well. It's Jeremy (most of the time) I have trouble with. I have been trying to get along with the pest now, but sometimes he drives me insane!

Saturday, August 7, 2004

Dear Friend,

It was an absolutely beautiful day outside today so Mom took Jeremy and me (and even Brendan tagged along) to the county pool. Everybody had a good time while I had to sit this one out and tan instead because of my stupid injury. How I wish I could've swam some laps and take some jumps off the high dive. But I still couldn't believe that Brendan came with us when he's never even home! Two days at home in a row - so I finally grew way too curious and asked him what the deal was when we were alone. You wouldn't believe what he said.

"Listen, Cassie, if I'm going to be moving out next year and I haven't been around since I was sixteen; I think I need to spend some more time with my family."

Can you believe that? He wants to be with all of us (when he's popular)?! This is so not Brendan. Who is he and what has he done with my brother? Maybe he grew up two months early. Man...this is definitely going to be hard on Mom.

Sunday, August 8, 2004

Dear Friend,

It's so hot outside. I wish I were in the North Pole. But alas, the A/C will do. Boring day, so Jeremy and I are just playing checkers.

Monday, August 9, 2004

Dear Friend,

Just when I think my ankle is doing better, it starts hurting again. It doesn't really help when people write their names on the cast either, because they have to push hard. I have all my family's names written on it, and Tessa and Renee's, so all that's left is Chloe and Jason. Did I mention that Mr. and Mrs. Conners signed it too? And that my ankle is really, really killing me right now? Medics? Can I have a different prescription?

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Dear Friend,

I've had my cast on for nearly a week. Only one more until it's healed and I can take the trashy thing off. I've learned my lesson and I'm never doing something that stupid ever again.

You want to hear something amazing? I asked Chloe myself to come over and hang out today and we actually had a pretty good time. I asked her if she wanted to sign my cast and I almost laughed over how hysterical she got.

"Really?" she squealed, her mouthful of brackets showing. "But...I couldn't."

"Sure you could. It's not so tender anymore. It doesn't hurt as bad as yesterday."

"You sure?" she asked. I nodded, so she took the pen and wrote her name on there. "Thanks. No one has ever wanted me to do that for them before."

I laughed. "Chloe, you shouldn't care what others think of you."

"Easy for you to say. You're beautiful."

"You're pretty too, Chloe."


"Yeah. Once you get the braces off and your glasses, all you need to do is clean your face and brush out your hair, add a little makeup, and you'll look perfect."

"Wow, you think?" she asked.

"Sure. You know what? Follow me."

I took the time to give her a little makeover and she looked tons better than before.

"Thanks, Cassie! Wait until my mom sees this!" she cried. "How am I ever going to stay so clean?"

Somehow seeing Chloe happy made me happier. I mean, imagine this girl's reputation (not to mention having the name Fleacorn). She must go through a lot of teasing from people. I was wrong about Chloe. She isn't a nerd. Not really. She's actually pretty cool once you get to know her. I can't believe I forgot that outside appearance isn't everything. Now she's practically like my other friends: fun.

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