February: Part 9

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Monday, February 14, 2005

Dear Friend,

I was on cloud nine at school today. My friends all clamored eagerly to hear about my date. Even Renee sighed in typical girl fashion. She loves that Jason took me out for Chinese. She thinks it shows how much he can "tone it down on the masculinity-driven need to impress and just make his girlfriend happy." Her words, not mine.

At one point, I was in the bathroom stall when I heard Lydia come in with her friend Heather Marsh. Lydia wiped her mascara-smeared eyes and sniffed back tears in front of the bathroom mirror.

"What's wrong?" Heather asked her.

"I went out with Justin Baker for Valentine's Day last night. And he didn't give me a valentine today. It's embarrassing. Jason would've. And now he's dating a freshman. All the girls around me had valentines in their lockers. It was humiliating," she answered.

She acts like having a date with Justin Baker is a bad thing. He's arguably one of the cutest upperclassmen in our school. And here she is crying about a stupid little card. Wow.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Dear Friend,

Tessa called me yesterday after school, hyperventilating and squealing. I told her to calm down because she was talking so fast I couldn't understand her. Apparently, her crush had a valentine for her on her locker.

"Can you believe it?" she squealed.

Frankly, I couldn't. Sophomores don't pay much attention to freshman. Juniors and seniors technically do because they think we're easy (please), but sophomores haven't attempted to hit on every girl in the school yet so they typically date girls in 10th grade. And from all our conversations it never seemed like her and this guy ever spoke much to each other. But now she was interested in Tessa? I don't know. I'm probably missing some key important facts.

"What's his name again?" I asked.

Devon.  Devon Schwartz. The blonde with hair that fell in his eyes. Hazel eyes. Totally Tessa's type.

"He asked me out!" Tessa said. "Are you shocked?"

"A little. You're gorgeous, Tessa. It's just...a sophomore? That's pretty huge."

"It is. And I need a favor from you."

"From me? What?"

"He wants to go out on Friday night and he wants to meet at the movies at 7. And he wants to meet my friends. So I'd really, really appreciate it if you,  Renee, and Chloe could be there."

"Say what now?"

"Come on! His friends are coming too! It's a group thing."

I scratched my head. "For a first date?"

"Please? Just consider it."

I groaned. "Tessa, maybe that's my date night too."

"Please? You owe me. I totally was there for you when you complained for months about Jason, and - "

Crap. She's right.

"All right, all right. I'll make an appearance."

A group date for a first date? A bunch of freshman girls with a bunch of sophomore boys in a dark movie theater? It seemed suspicious. I'm not dissing on Tessa at all, but I don't know this guy. I don't trust him or this date idea so much. What if this is just a big prank or a bet her made with his friends? That'd be horrible! It's not that I think he's too good for her. But Tessa is so innocent and sweet that he could think she's easy to pull a joke on. I don't want him to take advantage of the fact that she probably wasn't all that subtle about liking him (she admits he caught her looking at him numerous times). I don't really have a choice though. I'm cornered because Tessa begged me. I don't care though if I come home egged and ego-bruised. I don't want to see Tessa get hurt.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Dear Friend,

I was talking to Chloe today in the library going over math notes and quickly brought up the subject of Friday night.

"Are you going to this bizarre thing?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, Tessa sounded super excited. I couldn't say no."

"Do you think anything could go wrong, Chloe? I mean, he asked all of us to come and meet him and a few friends. Don't you think that's a little unusual when he and Tessa have never had time alone? He should be more focused on getting to know her. It's her first date. Should we really all be witnessing this?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure. But she's out friend. We owe it to her to at least try it."

"Do you think they plan to do anything to us? Especially her?"

"Like what?" She was frowning.

I sighed. "Chloe, you were bullied at your old school, weren't you?"

"Oh! You think he's planning on embarrassing her? Like it's a big joke?"

"It's crossed my mind. I don't know, I just...feel goosebumpy about the whole thing. What does she even know about this guy? What's his deal?"

"We'll find out in a couple days, I suppose."

Thoughts of harm, spread humors, pointing and laughing, and pranks filled my head. Why do I have such a bad feeling about this? Am I being ridiculous? Neither Chloe nor I know what's in store. But soon enough, the truth will set us free.

Ugh. This is scaring me.

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