I shoot a load of cum in his mouth and he slaps me hard in the face "Don't come until I say too!"

I hear and explosion in the background and voices. I fearfully look down and I kick the acid guy in the stomach. He falls on his knees.

"Guys I'm over he- mmMmmMm!" The Maskman covers my mouth.

I bite his hand hard and he yelps. I scream as loud as I can and in a second Bakugo and Todoroki appear. They look around and see the two men. Before they move though they notice me chained up and breathing heavily. I think I have a huge red mark on my face and tears flowing out of my eyes. I look down and pull my boxers back up before they notice that. Kacchan clenches his teeth.

"You bastards!" Kacchan runs up to the acid guy and lands a punch.

Todoroki gives us a wall of ice and freezes my chains. He breaks them and wipes my tears falling. He picks me up and makes an ice bridge to the roof where he gently sets me down. I see the Maskman about the attack Todoroki.

"W-Watch out Todoroki!" I feel heavy and light headed.

I feel something prick my neck and I feel a hot liquid flow out. Everything gets blurry. I feel hot and light headed like I'm almost drunk.

..... Todoroki's POV .....

"T-Todiroko... hehe," I glance and see Midoriya "*hic* you look goood fighting... Oh! Where's my j-journal!" He starts looking around.

I dodge an attack from the guy. He snickers. I step back and he keeps laughing "I drugged your little friend," he smiles "he is going to be like that for awhile so you better take care of him or he might... drop." He burst out laughing.
"Me or him Todoroki." He smirks wide and I look between Midoriya and him.

Bakugo flies in the air. Almost like in slow motion he clenches his teeth and sends the man across the roof. I run to Midoriya who started wobbling to the edge of the building.

"I *hic* gotta find it," He looks at me with shiny green eyes and a red face "I need to record your awesome moves *hic*!"
"Don't worry you can," I put ice around his feet so he stays put "I'll tell you about it later and what I do." I pat his head and help Bakugo out.

..... Todoroki's house (after the fight) ..... (his POV)

I set Midoriya down gently on my bed. Bakugo rambles on and on, on how Deku should of went to his place. I put ice around his mouth and he starts muffled screaming and making his quirk activate. I sigh and melt the ice.

"You bas-"
"Shhh," I interrupt him "he is finally asleep, he needs the rest."
"Fuck..." He mumbles
"Leave," I tell him "before my father finds you."
"You better not touch him or do anything you bastard," he opens the window and gets ready to jump "no one... touches him but me."

I go to the window and closed it. I look at Midoriya. He's dirty and has shock marks all over his neck... along with a red smack on his face and some cum on his stomach. I walk into my bathroom and grabbed a wet cloth. I gently rub Midoriya's body. When I rub his cheek gently his eyes gently open.
I look into his eyes which were slowly becoming water filled. I bring him close to my chest and he sobs hard. I don't say anything and I don't move. I pat his head and back. He cries louder and holds me super tight. Bakugo came back threw the window and immediately grabbed Midoriya once he saw him. I let him go and watch as Bakugo carefully hugs him and gently pats his head.

"I-I was so scared..." Midoriya's voice cracked and he shoved his face closer to Bakugo.
"You're safe now," he rests his head on Midoriyas "I won't ever let anyone touch you like that again."
"Come here Midoriya." I softly say.

Midoriya wipes his nose and Bakugo wipes his wet cheeks. He slowly crawls over to me on the bed. He loses his balance but I grab him in time. Seems he is still a bit drugged.

"Do you want a shower?" He looks up and nods at me.
"I don't think I'll b-balance well though," he shyly looks at me and Bakugo "can you stay in there with me Bakugo?"
"Wh-What... in the shower or outside the shower?" His face looks flustered.
"Outside." Midoriya grabs my arm tighter.

I help him walk to the shower as Bakugo calms himself. I open it and let it run until it's his preferred temperature.

"Hey half and half," I look over at him "I brought some of his clothes over that he left at my house one time. Also... get out." I leave and let them be.

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now