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"Welcome to UA High!" The principle said over the speakers. Everyone gathered in there classes. I, Izuki Midoryia am attending the greatest school that All Might went to. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for All Might himself.

"Hey shity nerd, what are you doing here?" Kachan walks up to me with the same annoyed face.

"Hey Kacchan," I wave and smile "this is my class."

"Oh great I'm stuck with you all year." I see a faint pink touch on his cheeks. I giggle and he looks at me "Whats so funny?"

"Oh nothing!" I look around and see someone. His hair is white and red, he has a scar, one blue and one gray eye, and he's tall and slim. He looks lonely.

"Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya." I say holding my hand out.

He glances up at me and back down "I don't want to talk to people who are lower in class than me."

I let my hand fall to the side and I nervously giggle. Kacchan runs up to him and starts screaming though. His fist starts exploding and they grab each other by the collar. I'm about to grab him but the teacher walks in and the class gets quiet.

"Sit down." He says.

We all stare at him in confusion. He is in a sleeping bag! He looks scary and messy. Is he really a UA High teacher?

"Let's get on with business."

........ After school ........

"Hey Kacchan!" I wave and run up to him.
"What are you doing shity nerd?" He glances over and back forward.
"I was wondering if you wanted to walk home together?" I fiddle with my hands hoping he says yes. It's been a long time since we've hung out.
"If you do stay behind me and don't talk." He moves forward faster.
I catch up just a bit behind. I open and close my mouth as I forgot I'm not supposed to say anything. I look over Bakugo's shoulder and we meet eyes. His face gets really red and he walks faster. I scream his name but he runs away. I stand there.
"What are you doing?" The strange man said
"Ah uh... well I was walking with kachan but he ran away." I blush remembering what just happened, was he smiling?
"You should stay away from him," he looks at me "he seems dangerous."
"No Kachan isn't dangerous... he's nice sometimes and just gets mad easily. Nothing too bad." I nervously smile.
"I'm Todoroki by the way." He starts walking away and I catch up.
"Izuku Mid-" "I know your name."
"That's right." I blush.

Bakugo's POV

That shity nerd just had to look at me. I mean why did I run away! Stupid stupid! What did he want to say? Why did he get so happy when I said he could stay behind me? It's not like I could deny him. I-I mean he lives in the same direction and... I don't like him! He is a bastard! Him and his big green eyes and super fluffy looking hair! The way his hips swing when he turns around and his torso looking thin and built is annoying. He doesn't deserve to be at UA
It's annoying when his eyes shine when he talks about All Might. I'll show him I can be better then him. Who will he be looking at like that from now on? Not All Might but me! It's not like I care but he really pisses me off sometimes!

Midoriya's POV

"Well thanks for walking me home Todoroki," I open my door and look back "See you tomorrow."

"Bye." He says

Todoroki's POV

I don't want to be friends with anyone... but the way he looked so sad and lonely. It was like a small cat who lost its way. He seemed happier talking to me instead of him.

"Oi, What are you doing in front of Deku's house?" He said.
"I walked him home unlike you," I glare at him "That's what friends do."
His face widens "Like heIl I'm letting that happen again, Deku!" He screams.

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now