Part 12

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Paige POV

Pictures of One Direction on the wall was what I saw when I woke up, reminding me that I'm in his place, his territory. Harry must have carried me in here. How sweet, my innerself tells me. Well he really is. He's been nothing but sweet and nice to me. I love Harry so much it hurts to know what I feel is one-sided. I tried to stop myself from falling back into this trap again but its too late. He has Kate, even he told me she's not his girlfriend I'm still jealous. Kate must be a celebrity like him. Someone who runs in the same circle with him, where they can be together perfectly. Stop thinking less of yourself sweetie, my innerself says. I shouldn't but its the truth. Being here is wrong, I've fallen back for Harry again and this time it will be harder to get up. I have to keep my distance, to think of myself first and I could do that if I'm not here, not this close to him.

I quickly dress for work and sneak out of his place. I have to go before he sees me because I know I can't say no to him. I decided to give Jen a call to inform her I'll be staying with her.

Its still early for work, I grab a coffee in a nearby coffee shop. I wonder if he's awake now. Stop Paige! I scolded myself. Its the first thing I should do, to stop thinking about him. The office is just a few blocks, strolling along the streets of London is somewhat refreshing. The smell coming from the cafes and restos, the infrastructure I've always admired, the sound of people talking from every corner is making me feel alive, like I belong. It makes me feel strong.

Nigel is fun to work with, we clicked right away. He's gay and so adorable which made everything at work flawless. I love his ideas and how he's so passionate about his work. He is single, without any baggage to carry. "You don't need a man to be where you want to be." he said in one of our conversation. I should absorb his word, love can make you happy but it can also destroy you unless you learn how to dance with it.

"So sweetheart do you have someone, you know special?" Nigel asks. We're in a restaurant across Sun's having lunch.

"I don't have."

"Why? You can't just waste that pretty face." he says

"I thought we don't need a man." I remind him.

"Well, mine and your case is different. Your still young, don't tell me you've never loved anyone before?"

"I don't even know what love is." I lied. Love is Harry, I say to myself.

"Oh, One Direction is on TV." Nigel gasped. They are guesting in one of this talkshows.

"Your a fan?" I ask him.

"I am, they're all lovely." he says focusing on the interview.

"Harry, we haven't heard about you link to anyone for a while now. Are you dating?" the hosts asks him

"I'm not, but I have someone in mind."

"Oh, do we know her?"

"Absolutely not, I'd love to keep her for myself."

"If I'm not mistaken this girl is your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend no, but she's more." What could be more than a freakin' girlfriend aside from a wife which I'm absolutely not but a bestfriend which I fit perfectly.

"Who could that lucky bitch be?" Nigel turns to ask me.

"I have no idea." I say blankly.

"Isn't he dreamy?"

"He is, he surely is."

The day goneby swiftly, I didn't even notice its already five o'clock.

"See you tomorrow sweetheart." Nigel says as we part ways.

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