time travel part 8

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John's side some how slowly morphed into your side and somehow your head end up on John's chest. His heart beat was soothing and you slept like a baby. That was until you woke up to a strange sound it sounded like....... clicking..."what the....." You started to say before opening your eyes to see two blurry people and what looked like a.....camera???? You tilted your head and scrunched your eyes to see the figures more clearly. John shot up you heard a voice say "morning love birds". "Piss off" you heard John say you could see his face was red. "Nice to see you too" you recognized as Freddie say sitting next to you. He crossed his legs smirking at you "why hello darling". "Hi" you said. "Glad to see you giving our bass here some company" he said. You blushed "Fred" John begged "oh no it's not like that" you explained. "It's alright we're all adults here darling no need to lie so do give us details it's been a while since Johnny here gotten any." Freddie said. You choked. "FRED!" John said. "I'm serious nothing happened. I wasn't feeling good so he brought me to his flat. I found my friends passed out in Roger room. Roger was asleep in the kitchen. John let me sleep in his room but Roger woke up and literally passed out on top of me so I came in here" you confessed. Freddie thought for a moment before popping up "well I'm convinced but I'm still keeping the photo" he said. "Freddie" John said following him. You chuckled as you watched the two fighting like children. Freddie turned snapping another photo of you. You put your hands on your hips "hey". "What on Earth are you two doing" a voice said. "Hello Brian nice for you to join us" Freddie said. Brian sighed he saw you and nodded. He didn't even ask which made you glad. As luck would have it Roger walked into the living "what is this a family gathering?" Roger said grumpy he sat by you putting his head between his hands. He groaned "Brian handed him some aspirin "thanks Brian, hey do you have any coffee?" Brian nodded. Roger got up following Brian like a lost puppy. You chuckled to yourself shaking your head you looked up to see John looking at you in awe you smiled at him. You heard some foots steps you smiled when you saw who it was "well well look who we've got here".

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