part 3

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Thank God I didn't wear a skirt today you thought to yourself as you were on John's soldiers trying to reach the air vent. See if I was just a bit taller or if Brian was in here instead of John this would be a slice of cake. But of course you didn't have such luck. "Come on a little more" you said feeling bad for John his back was going to be killing later if it wasn't already. "Got it" you said crawling in ok now give me your hand " you said. You pulled but maybe it was a good thing you got trapped in here with John he was a whole lot easier to lift than any of the other boys at least you figured. When you two finally got up there John asked "by chance do you have any idea were this leads to". You sighed "I was going to ask you the same thing". John groaned "but you work here". You chuckled at his child like frustration "yeah not in the air ducts I don't exactly spend all my time seeing were these things go" there was silence. "Where do you think they go" you asked him. "I just hope it's not into a inferno or something" you laughed at that. There was some silence as the both of you were stuck in your thoughts. You thought about how to get out of here and how you felt about John but John voice snapped you out of your thoughts. "You know I've seen and done alot of things but I never thought I'd ever be doing this" you chuckled. "What not one of your fantasies" you said looking back he blushed "enjoying the view" you teased he shook his head. "chuga chuga choo choo" you said. You heard John laughing "you're having way to fun with this". Finally you saw another opening. You moved to one side looking down John behind you "well". You smiled at him wickedly "this is just perfect John we've hit the mother load" as you said this John took a look for himself over your shoulder resting his head there you looked at him. It was the boys Roger, Brian and Freddie playing poker. Slimy git's you'd show them and you'd have John's help to do it. You listen to what they were saying. "I  wonder what the love birds are doing now" Brian said. Freddie chuckled "Their probably having crazy sex right now". You had to hold back a gasp. You looked up at John who was beat red and pissed and you knew any plan you had he was in on it. "You think I don't think so mate" Brian said "oh willing to take a wager" Freddie said. "Yeah I am" Brian said. "I bet 150 pounds" Freddie tested. "Hey I want in on it too" Roger said. "I think Freddie right Brian I mean look at how they look at each other it's so obvious and now they have their chance." Roger said. Brian thought "ok 300 pounds if they have sex then you both get 150 pounds of not you both owe me 150 pounds ". Roger and Freddie looked at each other and smiled "deal" they said in unison. You looked at John. "I think I know how we can help Brian get 300 pounds" as soon as you said this John blushed at what you were implying you rolled your eyes "we don't really have to have sex if you don't want to we can just make loud moaning noises to make them think we are" he looked up at you smiling showing his adorable tooth gap. "That's brilliant"

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