How deep is the ocean?

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*I watched a interview of queen and one question was if each member could make a solo album would they John said no because he can't sing and I feel like John can sing it's just he's so insecure about it so that is the inspiration for this little story*

You and John had just moved in together a big step which your mother and  your best friend Mary Austin kept pestering you about. You had been unboxing non-stop so much so that John had to carry you upstairs to bed after you fell asleep from exhaustion. You never considered yourself a hoarder but the boxes of stuff YOUR stuff never seemed to end. You woke up early in the next morning and you figured John hadn't been expecting you to wake up this early because he was singing loudly something he'd never do. You found it strange how self conscious John could be about his voice even when you heard him singing to himself to the radio he'd blushed if he caught you listening to him. Sure he wasn't as good as a singer as Freddie (who even is?) And sure he couldn't hit all the high notes like Roger but he had a good voice. A deep soothing kind of voice almost jazz like or blue's. So you tried to be quiet as you could tip toeing closer to his voice. He had gotten out your favorite record one your father gave you ages ago. It had been his when he was a young man and he gave it to you as a graduating present. It had all the greatest jazz hits and you couldn't tell if it was fate but your favorite song subsequently began to play..."how much do I love you I'll tell you no lie 
How deep is the ocean? 
How high is the sky? 
How many times in a day 
Do I think of you? " You felt yourself swaying to John's sweet soulful voice and you were so into the song you hadn't realized that the record had been stopped abruptly and you also hadn't noticed John watching you. "Your up" John said frazzled. You stopped dancing you smiled at him walking over to him "you found my dad's record". He smiled but he didn't speak. "That's my favorite song your know" you nudged him. You rolled your eyes "you sing pretty well....for a bassist" he grinned at that. "Oh yeah I can do much better than that" he said. You raised your brow "yeah" he looked at you then without hesitation he picked you up bridal style. "Yeah" you giggled as he carried you up to your shared bedroom.

John DeaconWhere stories live. Discover now