Bad weather

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*there's literally a tornado alert right now and I'm sitting in a convenient store right now trying to wait it out. So yeah... thought I might as well do something a little bit productive as I sit here*
You hated bad weather so much so that when it rained to hard you got anxious. Luckily your lover and son to be hush was by your side waiting out the storm. You were sitting in a candle lit room the storm had knocked out all the power. The room was the closes thing to a storm shelter you had. You were wrapped in many blanket your cat cradle in your arms as you rocked back and forth utterly terrified. John walked to you. "I don't think I've ever seen it storm in London like this in ages" he said you glared at him. He gave you an apologetic look. You heard thunder and groan John chuckled sitting beside you. He put another blanket around you and handed you a cup of your favorite tea. "While I was in the kitchen I got you some snacks and my bass" you smile at him "why the bass". He shrugged "figured it would calm you a bit besides it's not good for you to be so nervous it's no good for our baby". He said putting his hands tenderly on your stomach that had just began to show. Our baby the way he said it was so simple so innocently said so beautiful. You laid your head on his shoulders as he put his hands around you. Every so often it would thunder and John did his best to calm you. He'd tell you funny stories about the band. Mostly about Freddie and Roger and you'd laugh. You had ate through most of the snacks and it was when he started playing your favorite song : black bird by the Beatles that you finally relaxed and when he began humming to you and cradling you. You finally fell asleep, safe and sound.

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