Time travel

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Time travel: the belief or ability to travel through different periods of time wether it be the future or the past.
  You couldn't believe that you allowed your friends to drag you to this side of town. You shivered and pulled your blue jean jacket over your shoulders. You were grumpy and nervous. You weren't even sure if you're friends knew where they were going. "Were are we going please don't tell me we're lost" you asked. Katie hushed you and you groaned walking a bit before she stopped looking up at the building with a big smile plastered on her face. "Do you see it ain't it wonderful" she asked you. Elexis your other friend giggled. "What is it a grungy gas station" you said causing your friends to both frown. "No it's a magic voodoo store" Katie said. "Wow something new and interesting for us" you said laced with sarcasm. You had been dragged along all day to different magic shops and you were over it. "Oh come on grumpy" Katie said grabbing her hand dragging you into the rusty shack. The inside was small and damp. The air was heavy and smelled like cat piss. The dimly lit room gave the copious amounts of strange supplies that hung on the stores shelves a even eerier feeling. You wonder if that was done on purpose or they simply see the point in changing the light bulbs. You sighed, a woman who looked like she belonged more in a claw machine appeared. She offered some palm reading which you gladly denied. You had stopped after the sixth palm reading. You looked around the store aimlessly. Occasionally reading some of the items which over flood the shelves. You had since put in your head phones... She keeps her Moet et Chandon
In her pretty cabinet
"Let them eat cake", she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy
That's when you saw something that caught your eye it was a necklace with a red tiny jar which held some liquid. You squint your eyes to read the tiny written engraved on the jar. Whatever you long for seems impossible yet here you are. You snicker "it's an antic" a voice said scaring you. You screamed causing you to drop the item. The jar broke caught the Scarlett liquid to spill out and for glass shards to go every where. "Oh I am so sorry" you said trying to clean up. The owner smiled helping you "it's fine like I said it's really old" she said. Your friends tried to make you leave but not before paying the woman. What she said last struck you as odd "may you find everything you wished for to come true.
The walk to the bar was odd as your friends told you what happened at the store. "Can you believe it she says I'm going to have kids oh and Elexis here's going to marry a big time male lawyer" Katie said. You chuckled "that is rich you having kids and I guess you didn't bother telling her you were married to a woman" you said motioning to elexis she laughed "God it was awful I need a drink" you and Katie laughed in agreement. You walked for a while and you thought you had gotten lost. You walked passed a couple odd stores and people dressed in bell bottoms. You looked at them strangely as they walked by and they to you. You snickered amongst yourselves. You even asked a dude with a big fluffy jacket and god awful over sized sunglasses where the nearest bar was. He told you and even complemented on your hair. You thanked him and followed his direction. You were all glad to had finally made it. "Finally" Katie said rushing in you and Elexis looked at each other smiled and shook your heads. Walking in you noticed how outdated everyone looked it was like walking through a time portal. You looked at elexis. "Something strange is going on here I feel like I'm in a episode of the twilight zone" you said to elexis amusement. "Maybe it's just a themed bar" she explained. You nodded. Katie came back with three drinks but she wasn't happy "what's wrong" elexis asked. Katie frowned "first the bar tender thought I was a little boy, then asked if I was homeless then when I tried to order drinks he acted like I was speaking a foreign language" she said. You took your mimosa and Elexis took her's as Katie drank her mahattan still brewing. She got over it three mahattans later. You smiled you got up to use the restroom when someone bumped into you. "Sorry" you said looking up and everything you were about to say stopped. He wasn't even able to apologise before you ran off into the sunset girls bathroom he called after you but to no avail. In the bathroom your mind trying to comprehend what you saw. Mostly because you couldn't believe what you saw mostly because it couldn't be true. Because who you saw was John Deacon but he looked to be only twenty a fact that was impossible. But maybe it wasn't John Deacon no it couldn't be maybe it was the alcohol maybe you thought you saw him. Maybe the guy just looks like him. I mean Joe Mazzello is a dead ringer for the bassist. But now that you think about it. He even sounded like John but how?

John DeaconOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora