skinny love part 3

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You sighed as you watched John's car speed away. He didn't even say goodbye or wait to see if you got into your flat safetly he usually did. But you didn't care you were too drunk to care about anything. You brushed it off he'd get over it in the morning. You sluggishly walked up the steps that lead to your flat and with you being so intoxicated it felt like climbing mount Everest. After several minutes you made it up the steps. That's when you realized....fuck.. you had left your keys in your purse which was in John's car. Just great you thought to yourself. Surely you had a spare key somewhere. You looked everywhere for twenty minutes but nothing. You groaned your head was killing you and you regretted everything. You continplated breaking in but you didn't feel like waking up the neighbors and having to explain to the police why you broke into your own house at one in the morning. You sighed think think. You thought maybe John will see you left your purse in his car so you waited and waited and waited until it was perfectly clear John wasn't coming. You groaned standing up. His flat was only two blocks away so you could walk. You were so close you could even see John's bright red car and then as if your life wasn't hard enough it started to rain and luckily for you it wasn't lightly raining either, no it was storming then you fell scrapping your knee. Great you said thank God it was late and no one was witnessing this if Roger were here he'd be laughing his ass off. No Roger was probably passed out drunk with two broads in his arms right now. You sighed. You were cold, tired and your head was killing you. After this night you'd never drink and let Roger convince you to do anything again. Please be unlocked please be unlocked of course not why would it be any other fucking night his car doors would all be fucking open. You groaned it took every ounce in you not to just shatter his front windshield. You could see your purse right in front of you. You sat on his porch continplatin your options. A) you could walk all the way back home in the cold rain B) you could walk to a pay phone and call someone although all your money is in your purse and who would answer to you at this hour or C) stay on John's porch until he wakes up. You weren't even sure if you could make another trip back to your house and John's porch kept you out of the rain. You decide you'd stay until John woke up besides it wouldn't take him that long to wake up would it?

John DeaconKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat