part 7

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You were nervous and you knew it wasn't because it was your oldest son birthday. you kept playing with your yellow dress and kept checking the time. The cake arrived, so did the clown, and several members of your family who brought along gifts. The party started and you frowned disappointed that John hadn't come but you brushed it off you had your son's party to host. You were cutting the cake when you heard someone calling your name. You looked up "Freddie" you said as the man wearing a large furry jacket. "darling" he said taking you in a big hug his furry coat tickling your nose. "What are you doing here" you asked "oh I had to bring lover boy along of course" he said causing John's face to visibly turn red. You smiled at him "of course" you said john smiled "I also bear gifts" Freddie said raising up his arms to reveal two large gift bags. You looked at John and he had two bags as well. "Oh boys you didn't have to" you said. "Oh but we did now were is the little twat" Freddie said. You laughed pointing over to the swing set "over there " Freddie nodded as you watched him walk towards your son. You smiled as you watched Freddie push your son and laughed when your son started swinging Freddie. You looked at John who had been gazing at you thoughtfully. You blushed "thanks for the gifts". John nodded "Freddie bought him a gift so did Brian and Roger". The two of you had small talk for a while before it got time for your son to open his gift. Freddie had gotten your son a stylist outfit, Brian gotten him a skate board, Roger got him a small drumming set and John got him a Nerf gun (which Aidan always wanted). He gave John a big hug before he went around playing with his new toys. you leaned over to john "Oh I've got to put Corey down for a nap". He nodded "I'll go with you". "You sure" you asked "sure I wouldn't mind". You took Corey who was grumpy and put her in her car seat. The walk was relatively quiet as you walked her over to a quiet shaded area for her to sleep. The two of you looked around the large park. "How'd you find this place" John asked. You smiled "I used to come here when I was little, I even had my first date here" she said. John nodded "it's nice I like it I can't believe I've never been here before". You laughed "well it's not exactly easy to find but yeah it is nice". There was a peaceful silence you grabbed his hand he smiled "thanks" you said way your head on his shoulder. "No problem" he said softly. You dosed off for a bit and when you woke up it was getting close to leave. "Let's get back" you said. John smiled "race yah" he said you laughed shaking your head. It was a nice day a nice day indeed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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