new neighbor (babysitting 3)

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*I'm going to give people what they want and do a babysitting series*
This is from the beginning so bear with me.
You were sleeping peacefully or rather as peacefully as a woman six months pregnant can sleep when you hear a small voice call your name. You don't even bother to open your eyes you just simply turn to the voice. "Yes darling" you say. "Mommy mommy I heard this loud noise it woke me up and I can't sleep" the voice says. You sigh you open your see your five year old son Aidan in front of you. Lately he'd been having nightmares and as usual he dragged his two year old side kick Griffin. Griffin smiled at you waving "hi Mommy Aidan got scared". This made Aidan mad because he didn't like the fact Griffin never got scared of anything. "I am not it's not my fault you sleep like a bear" Aidan sad he turned to me "momma I heard it I swear". "I believe you why didn't you wake your father" you asked sinking back in bed. "Because he's not there momma" Aidan said. You turned to see the man who supposedly loved you was infact gone. Again. You groaned you know something was up lately Robert (the guy) would either come home late or he'd leave early in the morning. You knew he was cheating on you, you had caught him twice. Once at work and once at home. The last time you caught him you gave him an ultimatum he chose you but since then he had gotten sneaker. You could hear your mother's voice in your head  "I told you Y/N, I never trusted Robert you should have married him when you found out you first got pregnant I know you were just sixteen but still "as much as you hated to admit it your mother was right. You should have married Robert but he had convinced you that you were both too young but really he just didn't want to get tied down. You couldn't see your kids worried so you said "come on you stinkers" you said as your two boys snuggled up to you. Several hours later still no Robert you woke up, doing your best not to wake the boys. You enjoyed a nice early morning coffee  and a little bit of quiet time to yourself. As you got to the kitchen there was Robert passed out on the couch. You shook your head at him. You just stood by the sink and looked out the window. You saw a moving van out there and boxes waiting to be moved so maybe that's what had woke your son. Then you felt a pair of strong arms snake around you, you didn't even turn your head. "Oh don't be mad at me" Robert said. Oh I should I have so many reasons why I should you thought to yourself. "Oh I'm just wondering who our new neighbor is" you said. Robert started to look to "I don't know but whoever it is has a serious hording problem". Despite everything you chuckled "well maybe you should go down there and help them get to know them" you said. "Me?" He said. "Well definitely not me" you said. "Is this my punishment" he asked looking down at you with his big blue puppy dog eyes. You just rolled your eyes "fine but just one kiss" he asked. "Nope that's your punishment now go" you laughed. So he left. You sighed you just didn't understand whenever you were with Robert everything was perfect but you didn't like wondering who he was sleeping with you didn't like being in competition. You watched him introduce himself to a much smaller and younger man. They talked for a bit and you watched them pack and unpack.
Several hours later after you got the boys up got them washed, changed Griffin diaper, got them dressed, fed and did a couple choirs Robert returned. "Well" you said holding Griffin. "Good kid, doesn't talk much said his name is John John Deacon he's going to school to be a electrician. He plays the bass" Robert said sitting by Aidan trying to steal a piece of bacon. You laughed "here" you said giving him his own plate. He ate it all like he hadn't eaten for weeks. "Charming" you said. A couple days passed and you felt that you needed to introduce yourself to your new neighbor. Aidan excitedly rang the doorbell and not long a young man opened the door. He saw Aidan and smiled shyly "well hello". Aidan smiled "hi I'm Aidan". "I'm John Deacon" the young man said. "I know my Daddy told me all about you" Aidan said. John looked at you than over your shoulder "Hello Robert". Robert nodded "I Brought along the family if you don't mind". John shook his head "oh no it's fine I like kids actually". "That makes one of us" Robert said obviously joking but you gave him a glare. "And who might you be" John said towards Griffin. Griffin hid his face in my chest "sorry he's shy around strangers his name is Griffin I'm Y/n" you said. Mr. Deacon was nice and you quite in joyed his awkwardness and you were shocked how fast both of the boys took to him. You gave him a key lime pie. "He's nice" you said as you walked into your apartment. A couple days passed and you and Roberts relationship got more strained. It got so bad that you hadn't even talked to him today. You were out on a walk with Aidan while Griffin sat in his stroller. "Can I join you" a voice said. You were startled "oh sorry Mr.Deacon you scared me" you said. "Oh sorry" he said. There was a long period of silence but it wasn't a cringe bad kind of silence it was actually kind of nice. "Where's Robert" Mr. Deacon asked. you frowned "your guess is good as mine". John nodded "I don't want to pry but what's wrong between you two". You thought for a moment deciding if you should or shouldn't tell him. But you let out a sigh you couldn't hold it in anymore. You just let it all out telling John everything how you and Robert met in middle school and how for years you couldn't stand him and how you eventually fell in love. How you got pregnant in highschool and how Robert cheated and how he had been acting lately. After a while you realized you must have been boring the young guy. "Oh god I'm blabbering, I'm sorry what about you I've told you my life story and I know nothing about you."  You said. John chuckled "it's fine I'm more of a listener". You nodded "ahhh so you like to be mysterious I got it". He laughed "no I'm just not that interesting". You brushed him off "oh come on stopped being modest I'm sure your more interesting than a pregnant woman with a cheating boyfriend". He smiled "now who's being hard on themselves". You smiled to. He did tell you he was going to college for Electricity but he just didn't have a interest in it anymore. "So Mr. Deacon what do you want to do" you asked. He shrugged "I like building and fixing stuff but I also like playing Bass". You nodded "ahh Robert did tell me that. So I'm talking to  Paul mccartney Jr?" You said jokingly. "I'm not half as good as him" he said. "I'd have to be the judge of that" you said. You looked "well that was nice Mr.Deacon see you tomorrow". He smiled "sure".
  John Deacon POV
It was late one night but I heard yelling from upstairs from Y/N apartment. "I trusted you Robert you've cheated on me for the last time and here really around our kids get out Robert get out!" I knew it was y/n. "Oh you don't act like your so innocent I see the way you look at our new down stairs neighbor" Robert said. "Mr. Deacon your crazy" y/n said. " Oh I know the way you look at him I see how much time you spend with him your daily hour long walks I know you're sleeping with him" Robert said and my face grew red I hoped nobody else was hearing this. "I'm pregnant you idiot! Get out now I never want to see your face again!" She yelled. "You don't mean that" Robert said his voice gentle. "I do why don't you call your  little girlfriend on a nearby phone" she yelled. The door slammed and I walked to my window to see Robert leaving. The next morning he got his things and I never saw him again. It's been three days I finally phone Y/n. "Hello?" A child's voice answers I smile "hello there Finn is your mother home?". "Yes but she's crying have you seen my daddy? " Griffin said causing my heart to break. I hear Y/n in the background. "I told you Finn not the play with the phone. "I'm not someones on the phone" Griffin says. "Oh well who is it?" Y/n says taking the phone. "It's Uncle John say hi Uncle John" Griffin says causing me to smile"Hello darling".  Y/n stifles a cry "hi John what can I do for you". I pause biting my nails "John? Are you still there" her voice causing me to snap out of it. "Oh yes sorry I was just checking up on you haven't seen you in a while" I say. "Oh it's nothing I'm just a bit under the weather" she explains. "You sure" I say hoping she'll tell me the truth. She laughs but it sounds forced "yes I'm fine john". I sigh "Finn says you've been crying". "Did he you know kids I'm fine john really you don't need to call"I sigh. "Goodbye John" she says "goodbye".

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