skinny love part 1

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Skinny love
Definition: when two people love each other but are too shy to show or admit their feelings to one another.

You don't know how long you had been looking at the handsome bass player but unlucky for you your best friend since childhood had noticed your gugu eyes. He smirked at himself he took a small sip of his whiskey before sitting it down on the table. He turned to his friend "go talk to him" he said nudging you. You looked at him shocked "wh wh what!!!?" He chuckled "don't act so innocent" he leaned into your ear "I've seen the way you have been looking at deacy all night" you're face turned red as you playfully elbowed your friend. At the same time across the room John had caught a glance at you unfortunately it was when Roger leaned into your ear and that made John surge with jealousy. He watched your face turned red as you playfully elbowed Roger. He had probably said something flirtous or naughty no doubt. John sighed he didn't have a chance with you anyways not when he had to compete with Roger. Sure John was cute and sweet but girls didn't fall for the cute guy they fell for the hot sexy guy someone John was not. He gritted his teeth as he watched Roger who practically oozed sex appeal. You had turned for a drink as Roger kept egging you on. You sighed taking your shot glass and downing it in one sip. "Add a girl" he said patting you on the back you turned and hit your head unexpectedly. John he couldn't take it years of watching you with other guys with Roger. Maybe it was the alcohol kicking in or the fact that the band would be leaving for a tour in America that caused him to walk over to you. that's when it happened you turned unexpectedly causing you to both nock heads. "Oh I'm so sorry" John said "'s fine" you said half chucking. You looked up at him with your beautiful eyes which had caused John to fall in love with you all over again he wanted to shag you right then in there but he didn't he couldn't and besides you were with Roger. And john was with a red head Freddie and Brian had hooked him up with earlier. "So fancy seeing you here" you said trying to lighten the mood  John cracked a smile. His sweet beautiful smile. You liked that smile you always did. John had a way about him sure he wasn't hot infact he could blend in with everyone around him. He wasn't out there or in your face but he had this way about him that the more you knew him the more you wanted to know about him. He was a pure soul and you liked that. John was gentle, sweet, funny and true catch his date was a lucky girl. You looked back at the red head you couldn't help but be jealous. "Go on tiger wouldn't want to keep your date waiting" you said but you desperately didn't want him to go not back to her. You wanted to tell him you wanted him to know how you felt but what could you say what if he didn't fell the same so you let him go even if it was the last thing you wanted little did you know he wanted you to invite him to stay. He didn't want to go back to the red head sure the bird was pretty but she was too shallow. He wanted you to want him. But you let him go he sighed "right that's what I came over here for" he said ordering two drinks for himself and his date but really he got away from his date. She smelled of a awful concoction of Smoke, booze and sickly sweet perfume. He could smell her strong pungent stench from here. He waved goodbye to you and you waved back. He sighed as he watched you at the bar with Roger. He was going to do something but what?

John DeaconOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora