skinny love part 2

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You knew it was a bad idea to mix your alcohol together and you knew as soon as Roger offered you vodka shots that everything could only go down hill from there. Oh and you may or may not have downed a thing Absinthe. How much? Who knows what you do know was you and Roger where a complete mess. John noticed and he didn't like it one bit. But he didn't stop you no he watched you from a far pretending to be interested in what his date had to say. It was when you and Roger joined John on the dance floor. You nearly tackled John's date but you and Roger where to drunk to care. John looked annoyed you nudged him "oh lighten up there deacy". John huffed "you're drunk". Roger laughed "we're fine deacy besides" Roger swung his arm over your shoulders "it's not like you're her boyfriend or nothing". John glared at Roger. Roger smiled slyly as if he was testing the bass player. Roger grabbed you and you laughed wildly when he spun you around but you were to drunk to notice that John's jaw had clenched up. John pulled his date closer. You and Roger danced wildly for a while until the intoxicating high wore off. Now you were drunk but irritated by the pounding in your head. You knew it was a bad idea but did you listen no. You stumbled around to find Roger who was some how dancing with some blonde headed stranger. "Hey I need to go home" Roger laughed "I'm serious" you said. "Freddie took my keys after me and you took too many shots". He admitted. "Well where is he?" You asked growing impatient. He shrugged "beats me. He probably left hours ago for beauty sleep darling" Roger said mimicking Freddie. You groaned "well how am I supposed to get home". Roger shrugged "I saw Brian leaving a couple minutes ago you could walk". "Walk! My flat is 18 blocks from here!" You said Roger laughed her pointed to someone in the distance "well there's also the possibility that John would take you" you scoffed. Fat chance John was already irritated by you and Roger antics today. So you aggravated and refusing to walk home groaned thanking Roger for being a useless that before grabbing a bottle of beer and walked over to a lone table to wallow in self pity. You started to sip on your beer when you felt somebody's eyes on you. You looked up to see John. He had his arms around his date but his eyes were dead on you. Burning holes through you. You weren't sure how long he was looking at you but it made you both uncomfortable yet strangely turned on. That was until he started groping his date. That made you jealous. That ought to be you and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He enjoyed watching you squirm and he wanted you to want him as much as he wanted you. You played along for several minutes until his date excused herself and before he could walk over to you, you got up leaving him behind. You again started drinking the night away until almost everyone else left even Roger. You where half done with a drink when someone took it away. "Hey" you said trying to get it back realizing it was John. He inspected the drink he shook his head " you don't even like gin". You scoffed taking your drink back "how do you know anything about what I like John?". His face turned red "I don't think you need to keep drinking". You chuckled " thanks for the concerned deacy but I don't need your advice. I'm just trying to enjoy myself and I can see you were thoroughly enjoying yourself back there". John jaw clenched "that's enough let me take you home". "Don't you have a date to shag I'd hate to ruin your moment with your lovely lady" you sassed he grabbed your arm. "Let me go, John " he let you go. "Well you can't walk home". "I think I'll manage" you said. This time he laughed "you can barely walk straight without help". "Why don't you piss off then John" you said. "Would you just get in the car" he said. "Why so you can nag me because trust me John the way you danced with that girl tonight you have no room to talk" you huffed "oh you mean the way you were dancing with Roger tonight" John said bitterly. You rolled your eyes "we danced so what". "Oh is that what the kids are calling it nowadays. I didn't know that people danced while practically dry humping each other" John said. You laughed " we we're not and me and Roger are friends and your not my dad". "So you two didn't shag " John said. "Why do you care? It's not like you're my boyfriend John" with those words you could see you broke something within John because for the rest of the ride John said nothing. His jaw clenched shut and his hands griped tightly on the wheel. He dropped you off without saying a word

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