Part 43 Final chapter

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It's too painful.

I can't think straight.

"Danny!" Ares?

"Danny look at me. Concentrate ok. Look. Don't think about the pain." I can't it's too painful.

"Look at me!" Ares wipes away my tears.

"I can't! I can't! I can't!" I cry out.

"Look at me Danny, look at me. Into my eyes." His blue piercing eyes take over me. "Just take away the pain. Ok. Now push."

I do as he says. The pressure on my lower half taking over each time I pushed. My insides breaking.

"Let's go your majesty. You are almost there! One more push." I let out a scream.

Pushing with all I can.

My pain is gone as the moment I hear his cries.

Oh he is so beautiful. Oh my sweet baby.

The nurse puts him in my arms. His cries stops as his body lays on top of mines.

He is so beautiful.

Oh my baby. I love you.

I will always love you.

"Oh Danny, look he is beautiful." Mom cries. "What will you call him?"

What name?

"Jacob. His name shall be Jacob Beaufort."

I can hear everyone congratulating me on having Jacob.

He is just so beautiful. I love him. I love him with all of my life.

                             5 years later.

Jacob has grown into a smart little boy. Raphael has been a great father towards him. I again did the worst I could do.

I ended up with Ares in his bed. And yes I am pregnant once again. Yeepee!

Madeline and Eric had twins. Both beautiful. A boy and a girl. Both with white hair and blue eyes.

Gorgeous kids.

Azrael has been missing for a year already. He tried to take Jacob two years ago. We fought hard. I injured him very well.

We heard god has stood his ground. Earth has become an apocalyptic nightmare. Hopefully things turn out alright.

My new baby will grow up to be a powerful queen just like her brother. I can tell he will be a powerful warrior.

"Danny." Ares runs towards me.

"What's going on?"

"We thought something happened to you, where's Jacob?" Ares asks.

"He is fine and sleeping why?"

"Azrael, he has found recovered and has resumed his attack on heaven. We need to start preparations. Once again."

That bastard will not come to my land. He will not destroy my family!

I will destroy him if it's the last things I do.

Just like I destroyed Nicholas and turned him into nothing I will do the same to Azrael.

This is my family! And no one fucks with them!

This is my family! And no one fucks with them!

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Thank you for the reads.

Thank you FadilaAdam4 for the votes.

This isn't the ending of this story this is just the beginning.

Thank  you!

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