"Ask. Your. Brothers." I demanded and quirked an eyebrow up. "You're not the only one that can be intimidating." His lip twitched but his expression stayed cold.

I stood on my tippy toes and peek over his shoulder. "What are you doing." His voice sent vibrations through me and a weird feeling in my stomach.

"You're too tall so I have to look over your shoulder. You know everyone's staring?" I went back to my normal height. He rolled his eyes and released me from my cage.

He put his head by my ear and whispered just to me, "this isn't over." Then walked away. My legs felt weak and my stomach was doing summersaults.

The hallway looked like time froze, they all were silent and were looking at the scene before them. The only way to know they were still alive is when they parted for Ash to walked through.

I licked my lip and stood straight, "Nothing to see here! Go back to what you were doing!" Then I turned and speed walked to my class.

Ms. Hawks stood at her desk looking like she was intently focused on something. I went to my desk and waited for Josh and Loran to come.

I saw the outrageously good looking Austin walk in, his eyes went directly to me. My face started to heat up because my mind went directly to him in a towel.

So I opted to just turn my head and stare at the wall. "Chris?" His smooth voice washed over my ears. "Yes?" I turned my head a little and peeked at him.

His whole body was turned in his chair so he could face me. "I have Jordan in my first period." He stated.

I shrugged my shoulder, "Okay? Good for you?" I grumbled. He had a tiny grin on his face. "He told me how you saved their asses. Thank you."

Everything stopped for a second. I looked at him, my eyes wide. "But that doesn't mean we'll just let you in and wreck what we've made."

Well, that ruined the moment. I leaned forward almost over the desk to get closer to him. "How could you know that I'll ruin everything when you know nothing about me?"

I sat back down in my seat satisfied. I saw girls in the class glaring at me. Wishing me thousands of deaths by having a 'moment' with Austin.

I saw Barbra on the other side of the classroom. Wait, she's in this class? How did I not notice a bimbo like that? I shrugged it off and five fingers waved at her.

That seemed to piss her off more and I loved it. I know, don't poke a bear. But it sure was fun at times.

I walked Josh and Loran which I was happy about. I smiled at them and waved. Josh waved back animatedly and Loran gave a weak one back.

"So how is your second day of school going?" Josh asked me. "It's been alright. I mean nothing has attacked me yet."

So the whole period I and Josh basically talked. Loran would add some input in but just seemed to listen.

The bell rang and we parted ways. I headed to my French class, kind of excited to see Jordan. Weird, I know.

I walked into my French class and saw Jordan sitting at his desk. He was leaning on one of his hands and playing with his pencil with the other.

He looked up and noticed me, I gave a small smile and wave. He turned his head quickly, ignoring me. That was weird.

I went down the aisle and sat at my seat next to Jordan. "So, how has your day been?" I ask him awkwardly. He rolled his eyes and moved away from me. "Okay asshole, great to know."

I guess we're back to this bullshit. Love that. We sat together in class not talking or looking at each other. I was so happy when the bell rang signaling us to leave.

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