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~???'s pov~

I stared at my computer screen, seeing my plan fold out. Mia Hudson was getting out of the hospital bed, insisting that she wasn't going crazy.

"Ma'am, may you please sit down. You need more rest." The doctor said, gesturing to the hospital bed.

"No! I don't need anymore rest. I have to get out of here!"

"Ma'am, please sit down." 

"Give me one good reason as to why I should sit down." Mia Hudson declared, crossing her arms over here chest.

The doctor let out a sigh before answering, "Ma'am. The person you have been talking about died three years ago."

"That's not true." She said in disbelief.

"Miss Hudson. I'm telling you that Jake Paul had died three years ago in this exact hospital." The doctor explained, getting his phone out of his pocket to show her the proof.

"He died three years ago." She whispered out, slowly absorbing the information

"Miss, please sit down now." 

I smiled like a mad-man, my plan going smoothly. I typed in a couple of keys into my laptop before looking back at the monitor. My smile immediately turned upside down as I saw Mia Hudson pulling out the wires and pushing past the doctor, rushing out of the room. My anger began to build up and I punched my table creating a little dent.

I heard someone knock on my door and I  called them in, taking deep breaths to calm down. I had a reputation of having a short temper. I saw my assistant poke his head inside the door, walking in and then closing the door.

"What do you want Jared?" I asked harshly, my chest moving up and down from my heavy breathing.

"Yes, uhm- one of your clients is requesting a meeting for you."                

"Call my sister to do it- now would you?" I told him off, annoyed.

"Yes. Right away." He immediately went away, calling my responsible sister.

I groaned out in frustration, running a hand down my face. I looked back at the monitor and saw Mia Hudson running out of the hospital into the pouring rain- out of the camera's view. Shaking my head, my eyes gazed at the papers on my desk. I held up one sheet, my eyes scanning through the information.

Christina Marie.

Gabbie Gonzalez

Tatum Dahl

Brie Cristian

Aspen Loeffler.

 I read the extra information at the bottom of their names, taking the sheet of paper next to the one I was holding to see what the problem was.  It looks like Christina Marie cut off ties with our company, written on the piece of paper was her  cursive written letter.

'I quit. I don't want to be involved with your  mind tricks and scam no longer. I want to be happy with my family and be an actual mother to my children. All this 'trying to keep Corbyn Besson around my finger' thing- I hate it. I want him to love me for who I am and not just for some business deal with your coorporation. You've driven me apart from my family- and I'm putting an end to it.

Good bye, hopefully you get caught by the police and go to jail.'

I read the last thing in the corner of the page, "Signed by; Christina Marie."

I ran a hand through my hair, stress building up. I looked at the other problems we had, and one of them being Brie Cristian. Looking her file, I saw that she had five failed attempts to hook Daniel James Seavey around her slim finger.

We Meet Again // Sequel To KBWDW ✔ COMPLETED (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now