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(1k+ words AYYEEEEE! A pov from the birthday boy!)

~Daniel's pov~

I leaned against the wooden door frame, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched Alexander lying his head on my mate's bed. While I was getting checked up, they gave me a spare shirt that they had stored in their backroom. He looked over to me with alert eyes, when I sang the last verse of Billie Eilish's song. I raised my hand up in defense, giving him a sad and friendly smile.

"It's okay kiddo, it's just me." I soothed out, seeing him relax from his defensing state.

I approached him slowly, putting my hands in front of me; as a gesture that explains that I mean no harm. He continued to stare at me, putting his chin on his arm, pouting while doing so. I grabbed a chair from the side of the room and carried to towards him. I put it right next to the little guy and sat down in it.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, trying to spark up a conversation.

"I know what you're trying to do. I don't want to talk right now." He grumbled under his breath, looking away from me.

I stayed silent, making the poor kid grieve a bit. I grieved myself, the person who is lying on this hospital bed is not only his mother, but this person was also my mate as well. She is my beloved. She is my world and my future. But the harsh reality slapped me in the face. I did something that was unforgivable. I don't deserve a second chance. I don't deserve anything good that comes my way. I don't deserve her.

I felt guilt wash over me, the burden was set on my shoulders, knowing that the only way to get rid of it was to let her forgive me. Forgive what I have done. And I highly doubt that she will. Sadness sunk into my system, making my shoulders sag down in defeat. I am slowly, but surely, accepting that fact that she would never be mine.

I looked at her face. Even though she was in this state, she still looked beautiful. She looked like an angel, that was sent down from the clouds above. I would never forgive myself for what I have done.

I closed my eyes and heard a sniffle, a small tear betrayed me, but I quickly wiped it away. I inhaled and heard another sniffle. I creased my eyebrows together in confusion, then opened my eyes. I looked to my right and saw Alexander wiping away his tears, but new tears kept appearing. Alexander sniffed again, using the back of his hand to wipe away the snot that was slowly dripping down.

I reached down to my jogging pants, searching through my pocket and brought out a hanker chief. I tapped him on the shoulder, and his head snapped towards me. I gave him a sympathetic expression and handed him the hanker chief. He hesitantly grabbed it from my hand, and said a small 'thank you' underneath his breath. He blew his nose into the hanker chief, sniffing when he was done.

We remained silent for a couple of minutes. Something over came me, and the next thing I know is that I have my arms wrapped around Alexander.

"It's okay. I promise it's okay.." I whispered as he finally broke down in my arms.

"I don't want to lose her again.." He said sadly, his eyes red and puffy when he looked at me.

"What do you mean again?" I asked slowly.

He looked at me, then looked down at his hands. Alex fiddled with his fingers as a nervous gesture. Then he started to explain something that made my heart break.

"My mommy was always sad. I never knew why, but she always was. When I was four, I started to realize that she wasn't.. at her best. Let's just say. She would always say that she's alright but her smile never reached her eyes. I may be just a kid, but I'm not clueless. I have a friend who was like my mommy. When my friend told me, I started to realize that my mommy was almost the same. That's when I overheard mommy talking to Auntie Tera about these guys.. I'm not sure who, but they made my mommy's life miserable. She would cry every night  and sometimes mumble weird names in her sleep. I never heard her say the names though, since she would always mumbled it quietly. I promised myself that I would protect my mommy from these people and make her have a wonderful life!" Alexander said happily, but I couldn't bring myself to feel happy.

I made her life miserable. I broke her heart into pieces. I made her cry every single night. I let her waste her tears over the boys and I. It was all my fault. I heard people arguing outside our room door by my sensitive ears. I looked at Alexander and saw that he was fast asleep in my arms. I guess I was trapped in my own bubble for a while now. I slowly got up and laid Alexander's body on the bed next to his mother. I let out a sigh of relief when I successfully laid Alexander down without waking him up. I made a small smile, the sight before me was adorable and sweet. I slowly retreated towards the door, trying to find out what the commotion was about. I opened the door to reveal Jack drenched in water. He was arguing with the nurse, but looked over her shoulder and his eyes lit up when he saw me. He pushed the nurse aside, and walked towards me. 

Jack shook his curly hair that was soaked with water, and smiled brightly at me.

"Finally I found you! The nurses wouldn't let me get through. My wolf sensed something was wrong and led me here. What are you doing here anyway?" Jack asked, confused.

I was about to answer but got interrupted when the other three came stumbling in through the hospital doors, all drenched in water. I could tell it was raining really hard outside from the droplets tapping on the window with rapid speed without a steady beat. I looked at them, and then at Jack, who was still smiling like a mad man.

"What did you do?" I asked suspiciously.

All Jack did was smile at me weirdly, and gave me a huge hug.

"You're drunk." I stated.

"No I'm not- I like ramen noodles." Jack slurred.

I rolled my eyes, "There's ramen noodles on your head."

Jack looked surprised and then his eyes lit up. He grabbed a strand of his curly hair and brought it to eye level. And guess what?

He tried to eat it.

'Yup, he's definately wasted.'

A/n - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ONE AND ONLY- DANIEL JAMES SEAVEYY!! I can't believe he is already twenty years old! He is literally the most talented person in this world when it comes to instruments, no joke! Anyway, I finished a quiz yesterday, a project today, and have to say a speech tomorrow in front of my entire school, another project due on Friday, and lastly, exams next week for three days straight. And to top it all off- if I fail the exams I won't be able to update and be banned from my phone and all electronics. (;-;)

Yay! School is amazing! *Sarcasm dripping from my words.*

Anyway, wish me luck. Hopefully I get pass this and not die.

Bye my lovely Llamas!!

~Trixie Win

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