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Logan to the rescue

Logan heard the gun shot handcuffed next to his uncle

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Logan heard the gun shot handcuffed next to his uncle. Noah was screaming and logan knew it was Freya who was shot he felt it. His breath caught in his throat. As he seen headlights in the window.

"Freya" logan mumbled his uncle looked over to him.

"What?" Noah asked looking to Logan who seemed frozen in his spot there was nothing he could do until he was out of the handcuffs.

"Freya it was Freya who was shot" Logan feels as if all the air had left his lungs.

"What do you mean she isn't here" Noah didn't want to believe it he couldn't. The way Logan wouldn't look at him he knew it though.

"I-I called her to come here, Derek's here with her" Logan stutters finally looking at his uncle the tears evident in his eyes. They both heard another gun shot. Both yelling to get Matt to stop.

"Shut up everybody just shut up!" Matt yelled. Logan groaned trying to get the cuffs off. Matt came walking in with Melissa and Scott.

"Where is my sister?" Logan asked through gritted teeth. Matt looked at him and smirked as Melissa was locked in the cell begging to see Scott.

"Lady shut up or the next bullet goes in his head, and your little witch of a sister got what she deserved for chosing that mutt Derek!" Matt laughed. Logan snarled like a dog but the look on Scotts face told him to wait. Logan sat back down as Matt and Scott walked out. Logan groaned yanking at the cuffs just as hard as Noah. As soon as lights cut off Logan used his magic to get the cuffs off. He sprinted following the feeling of his sister. He seen Stiles and Derek paralyzed on the floor.

"Where is she?" He breathed. Derek nodded his head the best he could when logan looked over he seen his sister on the floor surrounded in her own blood.

"She's still alive I can hear her heart beat but it's faint" Derek says. Her heartbeat was the only thing keeping him sane. Logan rushed over to her and immediately placed his hand over her his eyes turning blue as a blue/ white glow came from his hands enveloping Freya her body lifted a bit before the glow was gone. Freyas eyes shot open glowling green as she shot up energized Derek was slowly started to stand up as Scott ran in.

"Take him go!" Derek told Scott Logan helped Freya stand up.

"Go" she yelled at Scott who nodded grabbing Stiles ans running off. Derek ran to Freya wrapping his arms around her pulling her tight into his body.

"I thought you were dead" he breaths into her ear. She smirks pulling away.

"I'm not that easy to get rid of Der" she smirks then looks to Logan "we have to save the others" she says the three running off into the holding cells where matt is he turns around shocked to see Freya a live and fine.

"Sorry Matt but I don't go down that easily" she snarls before her eyes turn green and she shoves him into the wall while Logan and Derek fight the Kanima. She presses her body fully up against his.

"Is this what you wanted Matt? Did you want my body pressed up against yours? Huh?" She snarled Matt shook with fear. She took her hand and pressed it to his cheek and sent a shot through his body.

" Freya!" Derek yelled from the ground as she was yanked off of Matt he took the chance to run. Freya turned to the kanima and lifted her hand in the air a red glow on her hand. She twisted her hand but kanima wasn't affected. He grabbed her and threw her into her brother.

"He's not affected by some of our magic" he groans pushing her off of him she looks up to see Scott now fighting the kanima. He was out numbered so he took off. Derek helped Logan and Freya before the three took off after it. Freya looked back to see Scott sadly looking away from his mom. As Freya went to round the corner Derek grabbed her pulling her inbetween him and Logan the three hidden in the shadows. The three listen carfully.

"What are you doing here it wasn't supposed to happen like this?" It was Scott's voice Freya begged for it not to be Gerard he was talking to.

"I'm aware" Freya groaned she gripped Derek's arm squeezing it tightly causing Derek to glance down at her.

"I've join Derek's pack, I've told you what I know about Freya, who's controlling the kanima. I've given you all the information you've asked for" Scott replied Derek let his face sour feeling the utter betrayal of him. Freya felt it too.

"So let me handle this go make sure your friends are safe" Gerard replied they all heard a clank and Scott hand Gerard something before he ran right past the three. Freya felt compelled to run after him to confront him so that's what she did. Derek and logan both went to grab her arm and pull her back but she was fast with her reflexes. Derek went to chase after her but Logan placed a hand on his chest causing Derek to look at him

"I learned a long time ago that it's safer to give her time to cool off" he sighed looking over to where his sister ran off at, "she'll find us when she's done" he added nodding for them to leave. Derek sighed and walked infront of Logan out the door. Freya was looking around for Scott when she was shoved to the ground. She grunted as her ass landed she looked up to see Allison holding a bow to her face.

"Where's Derek?" Allison asked the frustration dripping off of her. Freya rolled her eye's to get up bur Allison shoved her foot on her chest.

"Where is Derek tell me now!" She yelled.

"Really Allison why would I know? Remember I'm not on his side there's nothing between us anymore" Freya rolls her eye's and kicks Allisons leg out from under her and stands up. Allison gasp as she falls to the floor. She quickly gets up standing face to face with Freya.

"We all know you're in love with him and I've got to be honest Freya you two are a match made in hell if only he felt the same." she snarls only to have Freya throw her in to a wall. Freya rolls her eyes realizing Scott had left as well as her brother and Derek.

"This is why I've never trusted you Allison" Freya replies walking out of the police station to find her brother

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