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Drunk sleep overs

Freya had gotten back to her motorcycle and drove around she couldn't find Stiles jeep anywhere so she pulled over and called him

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Freya had gotten back to her motorcycle and drove around she couldn't find Stiles jeep anywhere so she pulled over and called him

"Stiles where the hell are you? Did you get Jackson" She groaned.

"About that" Stiles answered.

"What did you do?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"We kind of kidnapped him and uh have him locked up in a prison transport van" Freya closed her eyes took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead with her hand

"where are you I'm coming to help" Scott grabbed the phone from Stiles hand.

"Don't worry about it Freya Stiles is staying here with him tonight and I'm heading home now we'll all meet here tomorrow" he said

"Okay see you guys later" she sighed. Once she hung up the phone she decided to head somewhere other than home she needed to vent.

Scott sat in his room and sighed this was all to much for a couple of teenagers to deal with all of this. He had just laid down when there was a knock on his door. Groaning he got up and answered it. Freya pushed past Scott into his room he stood confused before a good grin spear across his face.

"Hello to you to Frey" he laughed turning around to see her pacing his room.

"The nerve of him" she yelled throwing her hands in the air. Scott gives a confused look.

"Of Derek? What happened?" He asked sitting on his bed.

"He kissed me! After he went told me I don't matter he pinned me to the wall and kissed me!" She turns to Scott "I hate him!" She concluded.

"No you don't" Scott says rolling his eyes. Freya sighs and plops on his bed next to him.

"You're right I don't, I wish I did though it would make this so much easier" she huffs falling to her back placing her hands on her stomach. Scott looks down and her and sighs before laying next to her.

"You love him don't you?" He ask Freya groans.

"Is it bad to say I don't know and I've never been in love" she mumbles. Scott looks at her and raises an eyebrow.

"You've never been in love?" He ask. Freya shakes her head.

"Growing up no guy really showed me attention and I didn't have time. When I was 15 I would sneak out and meet random older guys and hook up just the basic one night stands." She sighed fiddling with her fingers

"Then I met Kate at 16 and she looked like fun. I knew she was dangerous but I like danger we kept our hook ups short. Late nights I'd sneak out and meet up with her all we did was have sex we never really talked but she was the only consistent hook up I'd ever had" She explains. Both of then staring at the ceiling while Scott listened to her intently.

"And then you met derek and you guys became consistent" he stated glancing at her She nodded.

"Not only was he consistent but we talked, we got to know each other. It was like we had a deeper knowledge of how the other one felt. We would look for the alpha and drive around at night for hours and talk. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has seen him laugh in years!" she punched the bed she was frustrated.

"And it's not like I felt giddy around him like everyone says you do. No I felt safe and normal when I was with him. I felt like nobody could hurt me because Derek was on my side! I felt like the old Freya was coming back to the surface. The hopeful girl who believed in fairy tales and dreamt of love and a family" she sighed looking over at Scott he looked deep in thought. Freya sat up and ran a hand through her hair.

"I'd hate to say this Frey but that sounds like love to me." He sighed looking up at her. She groaned before getting up.

"Where are you going?" Scott asked sitting up on his elbows. Freya glanced back at him.

"I need to be drunk so I'm raiding your fridge for alcohol" scott just chuckled knowing his mom had about two bottles of vodka down there.

It has been an hour now and Freya had drank half a bottle of vodka while her and scott talked about anything but Derek. Scott laughed as Freya went to sit on the side for his bed but fell to the floor.

"Are you good?" Scott asked looking down at a very drunk Freya. She let giggles slip from for her lips.

"No I'm going crazy over an alpha werewolf and I saw my brother earlier" she said looking at him.

"What? I thought he was dead?" Scott asked. He stood up and put his hand out for her to grab. Freya nodded allowing scott to pull her up.

"Yeah he is but I either seen his ghost or he was a fig-figm-"

"Figment of your imagination" scott sighed leading freya to his bed. She just giggled and nodded. He definitely didn't expect Freya to be so happy when she was drunk. She reminded him of stiles when he was drunk.

"Freya you're waisted lay down and go to sleep" he sighed laying her down in his bed. Freya smiled up at him while he covered her up. He turned the light off and layed on the floor.

"Scott" she mumbled. Turning on her side to look down at him. He hummed back in return looking over at her.

"I want to let you know that you're a- a good guy and so is Stiles. I don't show it but you two mean a lot to me a-and I love ya guys. I'd do anything ta protect you guys" she sighed leaning on her back letting sleep consume her. Scott didn't know what to say or do. He knew if she was sober she would have never said that more along the lines of 'you two are alright I guess'

He had to admit he enjoyed the sweet side of the girl. He layed on his floor that night pondering over everything she had said tonight. He realized Freya was a lot more complex than he thought and he wanted to know every layer she had hidden. He fell asleep that night on the floor of his bedroom with Freya in his bed drunk. He knew allison would be mad but he didn't care Freya needed someone and that someone just happened to be Scott. He also knew that if he ever needed anyone Freya would help him the best she could.

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