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"This is where they are?" Logan asked Freya as the two walked to the train station where Derek and his pack hide

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"This is where they are?" Logan asked Freya as the two walked to the train station where Derek and his pack hide. After the bombshell of their father being adopted and their grandpa's real name being Daniel Lahey they decided to go talk to Isaac.

"I mean it's not like they can hide in luxury with the Argents trying to kill me and Derek" she breathed walking down the stairs. Logan sighed at her sarcasm. Derek walked out of the train seeing the two.

"Well this is unexpected" he said crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. Logan laughed causing Freya to roll her eyes.

"You wanna talk about unexpected" he breathed looking at Derek. Derek threw a questioning look to Freya who shrugged.

"Is isaac here?" She asked ignoring the two. As if the mention of his name had summoned him. Isaac and the other two betas walked down the stairs.

"Woah who is that?" Erica asked looking Logan up and down as if he was a snack. Freya took a deep breath of frustration and rolled her eyes.

"He's my brother who everyone thought was dead" she states throwing Logan an accusing look who just raised his hands in surrender. "he's also off limits" she added looking to Erica. Isaac laughed and Logan pointed to him and looks at Freya.

"I take it that's Isaac?" He ask glancing back to him. Isaac looks confused and glances at Derek who shrugs walking over to Freya and Logan.

"What do two witches want with my beta?" He ask eyeing the two with suspicion. Freya rolls her eyes.

"Actually if you want to get technical I'm a wizzard" Logan shrugs giving everyone a cheeky smile. Derek crosses his arms and rolls his eyes Logan hadn't changed a bit.

"Why does it feel like I'm the older one?" Freya ask looking up at her brother who dramatically places his hand over his heart. Freya turns to Derek. "We need to ask him a few questions" she sighs ignoring her brother. She then looks between Isaac and Logan.

"Well we might not have to ask" she says pulling her brother to stand next to Isaac she glances between the two then looks to Derek who looks just as confused as his betas.

"Well I know where you got your blue eyes and shaggy hair" Freya sighs. Isaac quickly moves next to Derek shaking his head.

"Okay what is going on seriously?" He questions throwing his hands up looking between the two.

"Isaac I can answer that if you tell me the name of your granpa on your dads side" Freya sighs rubbing her hand on her forehead. Everyone looks around at each other while Freya and Logan just look at Isaac who sighs.

"His name was Daniel lahey" Freya and Logan share a look, "but I don't see how that explains anything" Isaac says frustrated at the two. Logan reaches in his pocket and hands Isaac his fathers adoption papers.

"Because our dad was adopted and we aren't actually blood related to Stiles." Logan says looking around.

"Our dad's name before adoption was James Lahey, and his father was Daniel Lahey" Freya sighs. Isaac examines the paper then looks up at the two and bites his lip with his eyebrows frowned.

"So that means-" Isaac can't finish his sentence as he's in to much shock he leans up against a beam to support himself and looks down

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"So that means-" Isaac can't finish his sentence as he's in to much shock he leans up against a beam to support himself and looks down. The other two betas wear a look of shock as Derek looks deep in thought. Freya step closer to Isaac placimg her hand on his shoulder

"It means you're not alone anymore and you have family, we're cousins Isaac" she gives him a light smile. Isaac looks in her eyes before pulling her into a hug with tears in his eyes. Ever since Camden died he had always felt so alone even with the pack. Now he has family a real family. Freya hugs him back smiling. She knew how Isaac felt about being alone.

"I want to join the hug" Logan says before runing over hugging the two Freya groans. Logan had always been a hugger. They stand there for a few more seconds before they seperate.

"I'm not alone, I have a family" Isaac mumbles still in shock. Freya smiles at him and nods. Boyd smiles at the three happy his friend finally had a family. Derek looks at the three a light smile on his face.

"That actually makes since you were nothing like Stiles" Derek says looking to Freya she just shakes her head and smiles. Logan places a hand on Isaac's shoulder.

"I have an apartment down town if you want to stay there cause Freya is staying with Stiles and our uncle Noah" Isaac looks up at him and smiles he then looks to Derek as if asking for permission. Derek nods to his beta. Erica shakes her head.

"Wait if you guys aren't related to Stiles why are you staying there and calling sheriff uncle still?" Erica asked Freya rolled her eyea at the blond before turning to face her.

"Because just because we aren't blood related doesn't mean they're not still family. I've known then as family my whole life and a piece of paper won't change that" she says annoyed "the only thing it changes is that Isaac is now family too" she shrugs looking to Isaac.

"Welcome to our family of dysfunction" Logan smiles patting Isaac on the back. Freya rolls her eyes at her brother.

"Again I'm the older one trapped in a younger body" she sighs throwing her hands out. Logan smirks at her sticking his tongue out at her. Derek shakes his head looking at Logan.

"You haven't changed a bit Logan" Derek sighs causing everyone to look at him. Logam smirks deciding to have fun.

"Yeah and the thing that changed most about you is you're fucking my little sister" Logan states with a smug look. Freya groans as Derek stiffened.

"Was he was fucking your sister not anymore now we're friend's and allies" she sighs suddenly there was a tension between Freya and Derek, Isaac coughed awkwardly.

"I mean at least I didn't fuck a mercenary" Freya bites back suddenly aggravated. Logan rolls his eyes. He could say something really mean about kate but decides against it. He turns to Isaac and claps his hands.

"Anyway go get your stuff lets go home" he says happyily. Isaac smiles and turns to get his stuff.

"Home I have an actual home with a family" he mumbles causing everyone to smile at the broken boy who deserved better.


I literally wrote this chapter just because Isaac deserved better. He deserved a family. I love this and can't wait to develop the family relationship between Logan, Isaac, and Freya. This was also a last minute decision I started writing last chapter and it was suppose to be just that their last name was not Stilinski but decided to add more complications to their life.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and comment. 💜


Now We're Sinking | Book Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن