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Party foul

"Isn't that a bit much?" Freya ask Stiles pointing to the Giant box in his hands

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"Isn't that a bit much?" Freya ask Stiles pointing to the Giant box in his hands. The two were walking up Lydias driveway for her birthday party. Stiles doesn't answer just rings the door bell giving her a dirty look.

"Happy birthday!" Stiles yells Lydia eyes the box and Freya crawls under it. Lydia smiles at her and hands her a glass of punch.

"Happy birthday Lyd" Freya smiles at the girl as Stiles struggles to get the box in both girls walk away. Allison spots Freya and grabs her shoulder causing her to turn.

"Hey Freya can I talk to you?" Allison sighs Freya nods as the two walk out by the pool. Allison is looking down and playing with her hands.

"Whats up Allison?" Freya ask crossing her arms. Allison huffs out some air placing both hands on her neck.

"Um the night of the rave I took Matt home and when he got out he left his camera" she took a deep breath dropping her hands. Freya raised an eyebrow

"I was looking through it and found pictures of me and uh you. Some of them were us in our rooms. He even had a few of you and uh Derek in his car being very intimate" Allison sighs looling down. Freya pulls a disgusted look and groans.

"Ew so Matt has been stalking us" Freya shivers at the thought "oh my god i knew he gave me the creeps" she groans. Allison sighs.

"Yeah I just thought you'd want to know" Freya nods at her then sees Scott and Stiles. The two girls walk over.

"Hey jacksons not here" Allison says.

"No one is here" Freya says looking around. The four start walking.

"Maybe because Lydia has turned into th town wack job" Stiles says everyone turns and looks at Lydia.

"We have to do something because we've completely ignored her for the past two weekd" allison sighs looking at them.

"She's completely ignored stiles for the past 10 years" Scott says turning to Stiles who turns to him.

" I prefer to think of it as me not being on her Rader yet" Stiles replise throwing his hand around. Freya pats Stiles shoulder

"We don't owe her a party" Scott says looking to Allison.

" what about a chance of being normal again she wouldn't be the town wack job if it wasn't for us"Allison argues they all look to Lydia who seems sad. Scott sighs.

" I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here" Stiles turns to Scott.

" I know some people who can get this party going like really going" Stiles smiles pulling his phone out.

"Who?" Stiles looks up

"Lets just say they know how to party" Stiles laughs. Freya is confused but calls her brother.

Logan walks into the party and finds Freya the two find Stiles and pull him from Scott.

"Drag queens really Stiles? I'm really beginning to question your sexuality" Freya sighs and Logan laughs.

"I've always questioned his sexuality" Logan agrees Stiles stares at them both about to answer when Lydia walks over to them.

"Well who is this Freya I always thought you were with that Derek guy but this man is hot too" Freya gags out loud as Stiles laughs.

"Gross Lydia this is my big brother Logan" Lydia raises an eyebrow eyeing him up and down.

"Oh well in that case I'm lydia try some punch" she smiles handing him a glass and handing Freya a second glass. Logan raises his eyebrow at her a smile on his face. Freya sighs and looks at Stiles.

"Is jackson here?" She asked and Stiles nods pointing to the man walking around.

"I take it Jackson is the kanima?" Logan ask looking between the two. Freya nods and looks at her phone seeing a voicemail from Derek

"I'll be back" she says walking away. As she looks back down at her phone her vision slowly goes blurry "what the hell?" She mumbles.

"Freya thank god I found you" Freya looks up to see Derek standing infront of her.

"Derek what are you doing here you're suppose to be with your betas" she says walking up to him placing a hand on his chest to push him away.

"Why are you doing this?" He ask looking down at her hand. She looked up at him and tilted her head.

"Doing what?" She asked Derek smiles down at her before wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her body in to his. He uses his other hand to brush some hair behind her ear she sucks in a breath as Derek leans down to her ear.

"Pushing me away pretending you don't love me" he whispers. He pulls back to look into her eyes.

"I-uh-I-" she's cut of by Derek being ripped from her and thrown to the floor she gasp and covers her hand with her moith when she looks up she sees her mother standing over him a knife in her hands

"Come on freylyn why a werewolf of all things?" She asked pulling Derek to his knees gripping his hair the knife to his throat.

"M-mom w-what are you doing?" She stutters with tears in her eyes. Her mother looks up at her in disgust. Freya shakes her head trying to blink away the tears.

"I am not your mother you're a monster! You killed your baby brother and now you'll kill your lover too" and with that she slices Derek's throat. Freya gasp and covers her mouth tears falling from her eyes. Marley looks up at Freya and stands straight. She looks at Freya with a smirk before a bullet is in Marleys head blood splattering on Freyas as she turns away

"Don't forget you're the reason your mother and father are dead as well" she looks to see kate holding a gun pointed at Freyas head. Freya chokes on a sob.

"How many people will die at your hands? You're worse then the wolves I hunt so now I'm going to put you down just like the dogs you run with" kate smirks. Freya closes her eye's waiting for the sound.

"Look at me freya! Open your eyes and look at me" Freya just cries as kate yells at her.

"Freya!" She opens her eye's to see Logan in front of her and no dead bodies. Freya takes a deep breath "are you okay?" Logan asked his hands clamped down on her shoulders. Freya takes a deep breath and nods.

"I'm o-okay but Derek needs help you stay here cause I think whoever drank the punch is going to hallucinate" she doesn't give Logan a chance to answere before she runs out of the house. She just needed air and to help Derek.


When she arrived at the train station it was eerily quiet. She slowly walked to the train slowly when she didn't see Derek she started to fell panicked. She seen isaac sitting there and walked slowly to him.

"Isaac?" She asked sceptically. He lifted his head up and looked at her, "where is Derek?"

"I don't know he walked out the train about half and hour ago" Freya cursed and walked out the train and looked around. She seen a dust under her foot and stopped. She bents down wiping her finger on the purple substance. As she rubbed her pointer finger and thumb over it she brought it to he nose smellinging its.

"Fuck!" She yelled standing up and calling Deaton.

Now We're Sinking | Book TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora