Neil nods and Avni leaves. Neil check his phone and saw message again from his. He decided to do something but Remembered Giving promise to Manik. He kept his phone back in his pocket and went downstairs.

He wished others and saw Manik talking on phone. He waited to finish call. Manik finished calls and turns to see Neil.

Manik : good morning! You wants say something?

Neil : morning Bhai. I want say that I am leaving back Mumbai today.

Manik : why so sudden? We still have 2 more days left.

Neil : I know bhai but I have work to compete before i leave for a month meeting to New York.

Manik : if this what you want then we all leave. And don't say. Even I have some work. We will plan another trip later.

Neil nods. Nandini comes there. She smiled seeing them.

Nandini : good morning Neil!

Neil : good morning bhabhi!

Manik : what about me?

Both look at Manik. Before Nandini or Neil could say Avni came and hugged Manik. Manik smiled at her.

Avni : Bhai I am here for you.

Manik : only you love me.

Neil glares him which didn't affect Manik.

Nandini : come let's have breakfast then we will plan what to do today.

They nods and moves to table where vidhi and mukti were sitting. They all settle down. Nandini severed them.

Neil : i want to say something.

All looks at him expect Manik.

Neil: I am leaving back to Mumbai. Me bhai we will go today but you can stay if you want.

Nandini : if it's important then we will go back. What we will do without you both.

Neil : ok then we leaving in evening.

All nods. They finished their breakfast and decided to shop themselves.

They all reached to mall. Manik and Nandini went together while avni Neil went to women section. Mukti went to another shop while vidhi decided to sit in restaurant and wait for them.

Manik and Nandini were looking around when Manik found beautiful dress. Manik looks at Nandini who was looking some other side.

Manik : Nandini!

She turns to him.

Manik : see that dress. It's so beautiful.

She follows his gaze and saw the dress. Manik dragged her to that dress.

Manik : I will buy this for you. It will look pretty on you.

Nandini smiled at him and nods.

Nandini : Manik but it's not needed.

Manik : I know but we here first time shopping together. And I want to buy something for you. Don't refuse it please.

Nandini : i can't refuse. And don't say please.

Manik smiled and told the guy to pack the dress. After taking the dress they roamed around the shop. Nandini selected few shirts for Manik and Neil. Manik looked more Nandini but she said one is fine to which Manik agreed.

Here Avni was walking while Neil was behind her. Avni looked around but couldn't find what she wanted. Neil looks at her. He pulled her aside.

Neil : what happened?

Avni : I can't find anything for you.

Neil : I don't need anything Avni. You with me that all I want. Don't worry.

Avni : i am bad at shopping. Di does mine. I am feeling bad that I couldn't buy something for you.

Neil : don't feel bad. You want to shopping.

Avni nods no. Neil chuckled at her.

Neil : let's go somewhere else.

Avni : where?

Neil : I will take you there.

Avni nods. Neil held her hand and took her out of the shop. He brought her to near park. She smiled brightly seeing kids playing.

Avni : park!

Neil : yes. Once bhabhi told me you love playing with kids.

Avni : I love them. Let's go.

She let his hand go and went inside the park. She starts talking with kids. Neil stood there and admired her. He took his phone and starts taking her picture.

It's was almost evening when they all packed their bags. All settled in car. Manik decided drive. Nandini was sitting beside him. Mukti went with vidyut and Juhi. Neil was sitting at back with Avni sleeping in his lap.

She was tried playing with kids. Neil smiled at her.

Nandini : Neil she so tried!

Neil : I took her to park. She was busy with kids.

Nandini : i wonder why she is sleeping? She becomes kid with them.

Neil smiled remembering how Avni was making funny faces with kids. Manik was driving but his focus on their conversation.

Next chapter will be leap for 2 months.

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