Katsuki and Kirishima took out a lot of nomus during the short time they started to fight against them, but there seems to be no end to their numbers. It seemed like they were sent here like death marchers.

Katsuki propped his arms backwards as he let out an explosion as he leap towards the nomu, landing right at it's face.

"Hola, motherfucker." Katsuki snarled as he shoved his gauntlet in a nomu's mouth and making his explosions explode inside the nomu's mouth, making the nomu's head explode as soon as Katsuki fired inside it's mouth. It's guts exploded everywhere and that was the sight Katsuki hated to see.

Katsuki was about to take a jump for his escape when another nomu caught his ankles and began to thrash him into the ground.

As soon as his body hit the ground, he already felt that he broke a rib or two. He tasted the copper tang from the blood in his mouth. It was painful but he doesn't have all the time to dwell on that.

The nomu was about to whip him again on the ground when Kirishima bolted towards the nomu, and used his hardened arms to pierce through the nomu's stomach - making it loose grip on the ash blond.

"You okay?" Kirishima asked worriedly as he offered his hands towards Katsuki. Katsuki couldn't help but let out a small smirk, "Why wouldn't I be? We're just getting started, shitty hair." Katsuki replied in a hoarse voice as he accepted Kirishima's hand while he slowly got up on his feet.

The nomus began to charge towards the duo, Katsuki took out the nomus coming from the left, amd Kirishima to the right. Both of them fought with coordination.

The kind of teamwork that has been built over the years. It was as if they were reading each other's movements and responding to it by swinging their fists.

Kirishima swung a hook at the nomu, hitting it's chin with his hardened fist. It did stepped back but the nomu immediately got back at him by pulling him and elbowing Kirishima's guts, causing him to loose his feet while clutching to his stomach. He wasn't able to react immediately.

Katsuki took cover for Kirishima and shoved his gauntlet inside the nomu's mouth and making its head explode. The headless nomu fell on the ground lifeless, "Don't die on me yet, weird hair." It was Katsuki's turn to help him get up.

"I wont

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"I wont. I wont." Kirishima showed him his infamous toothy grin as he began to harden his whole body even more.

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