"If you don't get in now I'm going to open your car door." He threatened his brother. My eyes widened in shock. He wouldn't he?

When Cameron didn't listen I saw Jordan lunge for the door. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed without thinking.

Jordan opened the door and Cameron almost flipped out the window. The good thing is that he's too big for that.

"Shit!" He yelled, then he started laughing while cursing. "You guys are insane!" But I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face.

"Says the girl who almost killed me with a door." I put my hand up, "first off you shouldn't have been that close to my door."

He gave me a look that said, 'are you serious'. "I wouldn't have been so close to your door if you didn't ask us to get you."

I rolled my eyes, "fuck guys," Cameron laughed in between his sentence, "fuck, get me out of here."

Even though it looked super painful to have a window jammed into your gut, and you're dangling out of an open car door and window. I couldn't help but laugh. Cameron has that infectious laughter where his laugh makes you laugh.

Jordan looked like he was about to help his brother but stopped suddenly. He turned and looked at me laughing.

I had a hand trying to cover my mouth while laughing. My eyes and nose crinkled and it was hard to breathe because I was laughing too hard.

Jordan has a weird expression that I couldn't read. He was looking at me, his eyes inspecting me.

"Dude get me out of here." I stopped laughing for a second. "We have to help him." I giggled in between, "we're going to be late."

Cameron and Jordan laughed, "they won't do anything to us." Cameron called from the window. "That's you guys, in new fresh meat."

I opened my door on Cameron's side. His body was stretched out, where his toes were barely touching the seat. Then the rest of his body was turned in a weird angle and he was dangling.

I couldn't help but laugh harder seeing his pitiful state. Jordan got out too and walked around the car.

Jordan burst out laughing and took out his phone. "Dude!" Cameron cries in outrage. Jordan started taking pictures of Cameron and selfies with him.

Finally able to control my laughter I went to the other side of him. So I could look at his face and see if we can shove him out.

Cameron's hair was in his face and his face had some red to it. "Oh lord." I shook my head with a smile.

Cameron smiled at me, "it's going to be impossible to get your fat ass out of there." Jordan stated.

Cameron looked at me and snorted like a pig. I couldn't hold it when he did it. I bent over and wrapped my arms around my stomach dying of laughter.

"Oh my god...this is just like home!" I started laughing harder when I looked at Cameron. "Oh my god! I'm not okay!"

I bet I looked like a maniac laughing like this. Gaining some composure I stood up straight. "Okay, Jordan grab his legs. You pull I push."

Jordan nodded and went to his other side. Once he was where Cameron's legs were he grabbed them.

"Wait, wait wait. Hold up, you are not doing that." I ignored Cameron's outcry. "One, two-"
"Hold the fuck up!" Cameron demanded.

We didn't listen, Jordan pulled and I pushed. Cameron yelled if anyone was close to using they would think bloody murder.

I stopped pushing his shoulders and put a finger to my chin. "Do you usually stick your body out of windows."

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