9. Food, Glorious Food

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Favorite thing to eat? Hit the comments, baby!--------------->

So, yes, we all know food is good.

One thing about eating: If you have achieved body positivity, it's easy to eat what you want, feel fine, and maintain a good attitude. There are many different eating habits in the world. Some people follow strict diets because they have to, others by choice. Some eat whatever they want and still stay thin as a stick. Others eat whatever they want and gain a lot, and they either don't like it or don't mind. There are people who eat hardly anything, and that just isn't healthy. In fact, when you think about it, some eating habits are actually very serious disorders. If you or someone you know has an eating disorder that could be life-threatening, I beg you, please find help. You are worth so much more than what you look like. Your body should be taken care of because the soul inside of it needs protection and love.

You can still be happy no matter what size. I, for one, have large amounts of fat in some places that aren't very appealing, but when it comes down to how I feel about myself, I know I look and feel good just the way I am. Now, that being said, it's always important to have well balanced and portioned meals. It's not healthy to eat so much that it hurts. 

Eating good food is actually one of the major things that help with depression. And, in this instance, when I say good I mean healthy and balanced. Not a strict diet, not starving yourself, but eating the right amount of fats and proteins and getting enough vitamin D. In fact, if you do your research (which I have had to), most sites that help with depression tell you to eat healthy, exercise, and get outside where you can be in the sun. I don't necessarily like to do any of those things, but I had to when my intrusive thoughts got to the point where I couldn't even trust myself with a butter knife.

I had hidden my cuts and scars for about three years. I was always afraid that my parents would be mad at me, so I didn't bother telling them until about six months ago. But we'll get into that in a later chapter. What got me through it was those exact three steps I mentioned above. Diet, exercise, and going outside. Believe me when I tell you that you don't always need medication to help yourself. There are many people who still need medication on top of all the healthy living, but if you aren't clinically depressed (meaning you literally can't get out of bed, you are emotionally numb, you aren't safe to be alone, and your doctor has actually diagnosed you with depression), then healthy living is the best way to find yourself again.

On a happier note, food is delicious guys. I'm a sugar-aholic and I have a bottomless stomach. I go to parties solely for junk food. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. You'd think that loving food so much would make me a great cook. Nope. But I do make killer bacon. My mac-and-cheese and ramen noodles are my favorite pasta dishes. The only thing I make that is close to being "fancy" is omelets. And those aren't even that great. That friend I mentioned in a previous chapter from Austria? Let's call her Wendy. She came to my house before she flew back home, and she's used to eating EXTREMELY healthy foods. Of all the places she could have transferred, she moved to TEXAS, which means meat meat meat for almost every meal. She just wasn't used to it. So when Wendy came over, we made omelets with tons of veggies (well she took it over because she was excited. I swear I tried to help, but I basically just stood back and watched). Let me tell you, it was the best omelet I've ever eaten. It was so good I seriously gasped when I tasted it. Can't you tell that I'm a great food critic? Hah hahah hahahahhaahahha. 

Things I Do That I Think People Judge Me About: Food Edition!

- The Oreos thing from like, chapter 2 or 3 or something

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