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Hi! Hey! How are ya!

These are random bits of satirical, sarcastic and upright stupid nonsense compiled into a creation that's meant to help average teenagers get out of their parents' basement and start living life like they already know when and where they die. So hike up your socks and adjust your loincloth because things are about to get crazy weird.

A little bit of a warning: Some of this content will include things about mental health and personal experience with rough spots in life. Some content will feature people from my life with different names to protect privacy. Not every chapter will be written as a comedy, as there are dark subjects to cover. This compilation is not intended to offend, make fun of, or cause any discomfort to any party. Basically, if you're a super-sensitive weenie you know where the exit is. (I'm joking please stay, some of it might be okay for you to read). 

 In a matter of moments, you will find that you're not the only person on earth with stupid ideas or questions or hobbies. Your world is individual to you, but you're not the only individual in the world. 

These letters will also point out what to do and what not to do in situations like a romantic relationship, keeping a secret, dealing with parents, and knowing when to give up on something you feel you can't. 

Another Disclaimer: I am in no way a psychologist, doctor, professor, or any mental health professional. I am just a normal 17-year-old who grew up too quickly and wants to give others a better chance at life. The truth is in these typed up words.

Yet Another Disclaimer: Any quotes, images, data, or any other form of research that is copyrighted belongs solely to the original author/creator of those said items. I do not claim any cited or quoted mediums in my work and if I am infringing on some sort of law, I take full responsibility and will take the work down if necessary. (Please don't kill me, I have no idea what I'm doing).


Contact for Ideas

If you want to add to the experiences headed your way or have any advice to add to a chapter, private message me here on WATTPAD or email me at Title the subject line: LETTERS TO YOUR LIFE. Make sure to tell me your Wattpad user so I can credit you! I will take anything I can, just know that whatever you send could end up in this compilation. 

Questions/Edits/Misinformation on "facts/citable sources"

To get in contact with me about any of these things, just drop a comment right here in LML and I will get you a response ASAP!

With all that being said, welcome and thanks for reading!

Letters to My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now