Chapter 23: The Least Expected

Start from the beginning

This person, Phoon, unknowingly helped a god, which later blossomed to a friendship like no other.

Phoom was a simple man, he led his life according to the temple's teachings, the commandments, and all the virtues the gods impose to the people.

One day, while he was looking for some vegetables, he came across an injured medium-sized bird with colorful feathers. Due to the bird's rare colored feathers, Phoon decided to take the bird home and tend to its injuries.

At that time, gods tend to play a little game with the people. They tend to disguise themselves as either another person or an animal, and will observe how the people treat them given their appearances. Unfortunately for one god, he was shot while he's on his animal form and couldn't make his way back to his own temple. Gladly, a human came to his aid and tended his injuries.

Unknown to Phoon, the animal he helped turned out to be a god, and not just any god, but the God of the Red String itself!

When the bird was brought home, the animal revealed its true self to Phoon. The dumbfounded human could not process the information quickly, thus, the god explained. From then on, the two became remarkably close, and soon became friends and treated each other like a family.

Years passed and their friendship became stronger, that was what the God of the Red String thought. Unknown to the god, Phoon became greedy. He wanted to have an eternal life, a youthful face throughout his life and abundant amount of riches.

Blinded by his friend's deceitful words, the God of the Red String gave Phoon all these. The human became satisfied for a few years, until he committed a crime that changed history.

Phoon fell in love with a woman, not just any ordinary woman, but a married woman. That woman was married to a noble man, the two loved each other, but Phoon thinks he loves the woman more than his husband loves her.

Phoon and this woman started out as friends. The human boy showered the human girl with affection, riches, and promises, but to no avail, the woman still chose her husband.

Due to anger, jealousy and greed, Phoon decided to frame the woman's husband. However, before he can execute the plan, the God of the Red String intervened and warned his 'friend'.

Phoon did not heed the God of the Red String's warning, he framed the woman's husband by thinking that his wife is having an affair with him, thus, committing the sin of adultery.

Later that night, when the woman was busy crying, Phoon kidnapped her and took her to his place.

"What have you done?!" The God of the Red String shouted, furious by his friend's betrayal and breaking one of the commandments.

"You did not give me anyone to love! That's why!" Phoon shouted back.

"That's because you don't deserve anyone! You are bound to be alone! For life!"

Just like that, all the gods gathered to his place and placed curses on him.

Whatever he touches will be destroyed.

He will walk to this earth alone.

Pain and suffering will be your friend.

Many more curses were fired at him, but Phoon learned something from all these curses.

That is the ability to break the Red String of Fate.

Flashback ends

"That's really scary." I commented after.

"It is, now that I've told you the story. You need to be careful of people around you." He warns, but I just remembered something.

"Hey~ you haven't told me why you lied about your identity before!"

"Oh yeah! Completely forgot." He clears his throat before proceeding. "Well, Phoon managed to track the God of Strings for the past decades. That is why when he learned that one of the Gods of the Red String has a bride, he decided to find that bride in order to get his revenge.

Before we first met, my mom warned me about Phoon. She said that he already captured one of my cousins in another country and killed him.

That is why I had to hide my true identity when we first met, afraid that we, my family and I, will be discovered by Phoon. The reason why I disappeared few years ago was because my family went into hiding. Phoon discovered that my family was in Thailand at that time, that's why we decided to disappear.

Knowing that you might get killed if I'm near you, I didn't hesitate to leave. The only thing I'm regretting is not being able to say goodbye to you back then.

Please forgive me na Beam~" Forth explained while holding both my hands and pleading.

"Er er- I already forgave you a long time ago." I reply while glancing at our hands. "I just don't understand why I'll be killed if I'm near you."

"HAH?! You really did not listen when I explained it to you yesterday." He mumbles while shaking his head in disbelief.


"That's because you're my bride Beam, you're gonna be my wife." Forth firmly states.

"What the hell! I didn't agree on that!" I whine.

"If you listened yesterday, then we won't be having this argument...again!"


"I'll let it go for now. Just promise me you'll be careful around people okay? Tell me if something is weird." Forth then sighs.

"Okay." Beam finally gives up, I think for the 1st of 2nd time? I don't know.

"Come here." I move closer to Forth and he did something unexpected!

He kissed my forehead!

"Why did you do that?!" I yell whilst backing away from him.

"It's a protection." That jerked who kissed me reply nonchalantly!

"Does it have to a kiss on the forehead?!"

"Depends." He then laughs.

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