Chapter 48: Paradise

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"The votes are in!" Headmistress said.

A man from backstage came to give her an envelope.

"And the winner of Round 2 of the battle between Tomoe and Stella is..."

Tomoe and Stella hoped for their win.

"Tomoe!" Headmistress said.

"Yes!" Tomoe yelled.

The crowd was shouting for her.

Stella smiled.

"Nice job." She said.

"I know." Tomoe laughed.

"Just know that I'm not stopping with this performance." Stella said.

Tomoe laughed. "Me neither."

With that battle between the two, their rankings in the Idol Universe went up.

Even Starlight Academy got some popularity because of it.

"I'd love to see the two together more often!" A girl in Starlight told her friend.

Those girls were extremely happy to hear those things about them.

Tomoe was even more excited seeing her ranking go up by over 20 ranks!

She knew her dream could come true, and she knew the same thing could happen to Delilah if she just came back to do Aikatsu.

In their dorm, Kokoa and Shinobu were having a conversation.

"You know I hear about a lot of units these days." Kokoa said. "Glamour, Rosé, even Usa-Ko-La is an amazing trio, although they haven't performed in a while."

"What are you trying to get to?" Shinobu questioned her.

"We should make a unit! It can be a trio too!" Kokoa exclaimed.

"Remember that a trio consists of 3 people, Kokoa. We're just two." Shinobu laughed.

"I know, I know, but do you know that there's such a thing called scouting? We can scout for another member!"

"Me and you can just be a unit." Shinobu said.

"Hmmm.......that's true, but it's fun with another girl!" Kokoa said.

Shinobu loved Kokoa's personality.

"Okay. When do you want us to look for a girl?" She said.

"Right now is fine." Kokoa said.


"Come on, lets go!" Kokoa grabbed Shinobu's hand as they ran down the hallways of Starlight.

Jogging down the track, Usagi just kept thinking.

"I can't just stay as the average idol. I've gotta try doing something different, something that I haven't done before..."

While wiping away her sweat, she happened to hear a different song from her phone.

She stopped and checked it out.

"Rockin' Emotion - Mae Takashi..."
*Song is from IdolMaster*

Learning more about it, she found out that the song had just been released.

"I've GOT to be the first one to perform it!"

Just as she got to the practice room, she quickly stopped in her tracks.


The same day, Tomoe was getting ready to convince her sister to come back to Starlight--to come back to being an idol.

Aikatsu! Stella, the Idol Part 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now