Chapter 46: "I Challenge You!"

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It was the new year and Tomoe was thinking of better things.

After the performance where she was able to do 3 special appeals, her name was all over Japan.

Looking at her Aikatsu phone, her rank was going up fast, but she still wasn't satisfied.

She thought the best way for her rank to go up was competing against other idols.

She called Stella at the cafeteria.

"Stella-chan." She said her name.

"Hey, Tomoe." Stella took a sip of her tea.

"What do you think of my last performance?"

"Tomoe, you know you did amazing. Why are you asking me?" Stella laughed.

"I wanna see if you can do anything better." Tomoe said.

"I challenge you!" Tomoe stood up, pointing at her.

Stella looked at Tomoe while she was eating, until she said, "Okay."

"Okay? That's all you're gonna say? No, "What song are we going to dance to?" type of question?" Tomoe asked.

Stella swallowed her food.

"What song are we going to dance to?"

"Glad you asked. We're going to be doing, 'Queen of Roses'." Tomoe said.

"Okay." Stella said.

Tomoe sighed.

"And we'll be performing at different times." She said.

"Okay, Tomoe. I know what happens when you challenge someone." Stella laughed.

"Okay. Just making sure, because you didn't look surprised." Tomoe sat down at the table.

"You're always going against someone, so I wouldn't be." Stella said.

"True." Tomoe took one of her fries.

Director Hitoshi's Studio

"Okay, hopefully you all took the time you had to study your lines." Hitoshi said.

"Again, Kiriya isn't here today, so I'll have to do her lines."

{Time Lapse}

Everyone went through their lines.

"That was nice everyone. If only Aoi was here, we would start shooting from Scene 1." The director said.

"We'll begin tomorrow with Act 1 Scenes 2 and 3."

"See you all tomorrow."

When getting ready to leave, Hitoshi pulled Jaja to the side to talk to her.

"You did really well today, Yoshida." He said.

"Thank you!" Jaja replied.

"If you keep up this acting, you can make it into even more movies and your acting career will sky rocket." He said.

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