Living 'Abroad'~ Yama (Sequel) 4/4

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Since I took forever, might as well just throw the last one at y'all.

Your POV

I woke up back in my bed. Rubbing my eyes I sat up from the bed as the sunlight hit my face, immediately warming it up. I lifted my hand to cover the sunlight but immediately stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my arm when I raised it. Looking down I saw my arm with the blood soaked bandages. I turned around to see my bed covered in almost fully dried blood. "Mika?" I called out in a cracky voice after just waiting up.

The door opened as I heard a gasp, "Are you okay?" The voice asked, Mika walked in and looked at my bed. "I'm fine, it just hurts." I sighed and scooted to the edge of the bed, "Here, move, I'll change your sheets and bandages." Mika scooted me over to the side. I ended up sitting at my desk, "So what are you going to do now that you know the truth?" Mika questioned as I sat there. I shrugged in pain. "Are you going to go back to how things were before, ignoring the guys?" I shrugged again. "Y/n they've been super patient with you. I know you don't know me very well, it's been years since you've really seen me. But.. trust me, I've been watching you and I know how you are and I don't think you should ignore the guys anymore. Yamaguchi has been waiting for you. All of them have." I sighed, I know that. But.. now that I remember everything it's just weird.

I remember that the guy making my bed just a few feet away from me is my once dead brother. I remember that my first and last boyfriend was a fictional character who showed up to my school thanks to some crazy magic and that he was taken away from me, and now here I am, seeing him again. I remember that my mother and I got into a crash all because we were in a fight and I know that... I know that I'm dead now. I still have the scars to prove it, I'm dead, but here. Feeling alive as ever. My dead brother is doing things for me, looking alive as ever. Fictional characters are in this dimension looking as real as ever. This is all so weird and hasn't set in yet.

"Y/n. Please go back to the guys. Don't go back to ignoring them. They've been there for you when you didn't know they were. They waited for you. Yamaguchi had to hide his love for you, how do you think he felt when you ignored his existence and showed feelings to all the other guys? How do you think they felt when you stopped showing up at the volleyball games? They couldn't do anything about it because I told them not to, to protect you. They wanted to so badly. ALL of them came here asking me to make you come back, I didn't know how I could do that though. I needed you to figure out how to do this all on your own. It hurt me too, doing this to you. But it was all for you. We all care about you Y/n. We all waited for you because we love you." Mika pet my head, "come on, let's go change those bandages."

I walked to the school to see the guys and apologize and thank them. The bandages were getting a lot of attention but it's whatever.

I opened the doors in pain and ended up letting them go and slamming the doors because it hurt to hold it open, in turn the loud slamming got the guys attentions. I just stared at them as they stared at me, "Y/n!" Hinata called out and ran over to me. He was about to jump on me but Kageyama stopped him from touching me, "She's hurt dumbass!" He scolded. "Why are you here Y/n? Shouldn't you be resting?" Daichi asked. 

"Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you and apologize for just leaving you guys. I had no clue what was going on and just acted selfishly. But.. I hope you understand why I was rude, I didn't know you did it for me... and to be honest, it's still kinda weird. The whole fact that I'm here in a make believe world with guys from an anime with my dead brother, being dead myself. It still hasn't settled in yet and it's weird." They all smiled at me, "It's okay Y/n. We may not understand exactly what you're going through, but we understand." Suga smiled. "It would be a great time to hug but I know you're hurt." "Thanks guys." I smiled.

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