Kageyama~ Good Old Friend

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Your POV


Neighbors. That's what my family and the Kageyama family were.

We were lucky that in terms of age their son, Tobio, was the same as I. We went to different elementary schools but we still hung out all the same. Needless to say little ol' Y/n had a crush on Tobio. He was honestly the sweetest human there was~ So when he got into volleyball I pretended to be into it too so I could hang out with him more.

I helped him practice his serves, receive the ball, and in turn I got two things; to hang out with him more, and to learn volleyball! From there is where I actually started enjoying volleyball.

"In two years we're gonna be in high school! Think about how amazing that'll be~ And then, I'll watch all of your matches, cheering you on- ooh or I could pretend to be a boy and join too!" I shouted hitting the ball back to him, "Don't pretend to be someone you're not Y/n. You're perfectly fine the way you are." He stated bluntly.

I blushed, Tobio you idiot, you don't know what you do to me. "Awe okay, I'm sure there's something a girl can do for a boys volleyball team?" The ball flew past me, "Y/n pay attention! You could've gotten hurt!" He yelled, "I know! Sorry!!" I yelled running to the ball.


Sitting next to Tobio on the couch. Tears were trickling down my cheeks as my mother let out the news to our best friends, (D/n- Dad name) "D/n got a job more up North.. So we have to move up there. They told us in a few years time we'll be able to come back though." My mom smiled softly. I'd already found out a few days prior but wasn't to tell Tobio until my parents told everyone.

"A.. few years?" Tobio asked. "I don't wanna leave mom.." I grabbed onto Toby's hand. "Neither do we Y/n.." My dad smiled weakly, I knew he had to be strong for all of us. "It'll be okay Y/n, in a few years you'll be back and Tobio and you can play volleyball more!" Kageyama-San smiled. I nodded slowly. I didn't wanna leave Tobio! I was gonna confess to him the start of High school! I can't now...


I was on the girls volleyball team at my new school, now that I wasn't with Tobio 24/7. One of the girls had a sister, Eli, who was a second year in high school and was super sweet to help us out and learn new things and all that! The next year when I started high school at my new school I joined the same team as the girl and her sister and we were amazing~

Fast forward to about two months into the school year and my mom tells us that we were moved back to where Tobio was. By this point in time Tobio was an unfamiliar name that wasn't really said. My parents stopped talking to his family when they all got busy. I still remembered him and he meant everything to me but I didn't know what high school he was going to. His parents got new phones, gave the number to my dad and my dad's phone broke. We lost all connection to him.

Luckily for me The girl's sister told me that the school I was going to, Kurasuno, (oh my gosh!! SHOCKER!) she knew the girls volleyball team's captain, Yui, and would gladly introduce me to her over Skype! She was so sweet and told me they'd love to have another girl join the team.


"Finally!" I yelled exiting my classroom. I was off to go practice with the team. "Yui Senpai~~" I yelled jumping onto her, "Y/n~ Hey!" I smiled getting ready for practice. "Ooh I forgot to tell you! Tomorrow you and I are going to practice with the boys volleyball team~" She smiled, "What? Why me?" I asked curiously, "Do you have a problem with it being you? I chose you because you seem to be the only one who enjoys playing~ As horrible as it is for the captain to say that~ I feel like despite you being a first year, you have more potential than all of us" She whispered then giggled. "Ooh~ Well I feel special! Sounds like Fun~" "Plus I'm sure one of the four first years will catch your eye!" "Senpai!" I yelled face getting red.

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