Nishinoya x reader Part 1/3

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Please note that this Fanfic will by longer than other ones! They're about 11 pages each on google docs!  (Oof, its like 16 mins long, Im so sorry)

Small background information:

I was walking around school grounds, looking for my friends. That's when I heard someone shout, "Look out!" I looked up to see a volleyball coming right at me. My eyes focused on it but I couldn't move. That's when an upperclassmen ran in front of me hitting the ball. The wind blew my hair into my face. The guy a few grades above me asked if I was okay and I just nodded.

After that day, until that one guy left to middle school I watched him play volleyball, taking notes and such. That sparked my love for volleyball. I was always too scared to play in middle school but that's how I met my other 5 friends. We played volleyball every break away from everyone or else I wouldn't play. Although I thought I sucked my friends told me I was great, but they are my friends.

Now I'm going to highschool with only two of them, Shinoa and Rin. They Share the love of volleyball with me but they weren't afraid to play, I was.

Your POV now~

"Okay, so they said there's already a volleyball team, so what! It's been months almost years-!" "It's been like one month" I corrected, Rin scoffed, "They can share, they start at 7? We can be there at 5 and leave before they come!" Shinoa nodded, "But-" "No buts Y/n, be there at the gym at 5!" Rin shouted. I sighed but nodded.

"Pass!" Rin yelled as I set it to her. She spiked the ball as Shinoa jumped to the ball and bumped it to me. Rin jumped in front of me, "Y/n, spike it!" "What- no!" Too late, Rin set it to me. It came right to me, I groaned but spiked it so hard it hurt. "Ouchhh!" I pouted, Rin laughed, "You don't have to spike it so hard Y/n!" Rin giggled, "And Rin, you spike it too soft.." "I got scared!" I turned, "Of what?!" "I don't know!" "Can you blame her, she's short 5'1, you'd be afraid of a lot!" Shinoa whispered loud enough for me to hear, "Why you!!" I yelled throwing the ball at her. She bumped it and I grabbed it in a swift motion, "Y/n~ You bump it back, you don't grab it~ Rin laughed. I just glared, "Come on! Let's do it again!!" Rin grabbed the ball as we all ran to the nets. Little did we know, it was almost 7 and the guys would soon come over.

"Bend your knees!" I yelled at Shinoa, "You bend yours!" she snapped back "Guys.. stop!" Shinoa sat on the floor, "Set it to me!" Rin yelled running to me. I backed up a little to get a 'better set' if you will, after a few more sets Shinoa made a weird noise. I turned around, "Y/n!" Rin yelled. I looked back at her to see the ball coming right at me. Deja Vu... Another breeze of wind and another loud bump followed by a few more. Two orange haired people were playing volleyball right after I almost died! (One of them is Rin, from Love Live if you didn't know and the other is Hinata) Till Rin stopped, "Thanks" I whispered. 

"We're so sorry! We forgot to leave!" Shinoa panicked. "No worries, " A black haired guy laughed. "Who are these girls?" Another asked, "I'm Rin, that's Shinoa and that's Y/n." "We are first years who love volleyball! We were going to leave before 7 and before you got here but we got too caught up in the 'game' and kinda forgot.." Shinoa added in almost a whisper, I've never heard her talk so softly.

"Cool! Girls who play volleyball! Wanna go against us! We can make the teams even" Nishinoya yelled, (and suddenly everyone knows everyone!) "Sure!" Rin laughed, Shinoa shrugged and I looked to the side. I didn't wanna play in front of a volleyball team with guys!! Cute ones too.. "Y/n?" Nishinoya asked. I shook my head, "Y/n doesn't like to play in front of people." Rin moved her head to the side a little watching me. "Come on! We can give you pointers!" Hinata smiled, "If anything Y/n would give you pointers~ She knows just about everything about volleyball!" Shinoa giggled, "Kay, then play with us!" Asahi smiled. I looked at Rin who smiled and Shinoa who winked. "Okay." I finally agreed. But only because.. I don't know, Nishinoya I guess..

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