Hinata~ Delivery Woman

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Your POV

On my own, free, nothing-to-do days, which is pretty much everyday, I watch anime, cosplay, go to conventions, stuff like that. In order to buy my cosplay I need money, so I work at a maid cafe, my dream come true~ sadly I only work on the weekends because jobs are a struggle. I am a first year at Kurasuno high school, where they have various ways to get involved, such as sports, clubs, and probably other things that I didn't know we had. I don't care for that stuff though, I only like anime. So... Yeah.

Because I don't care for anything at school I don't really have friends. I mean I do, I just don't hang out with them. I'm sure they wouldn't mind me hanging out with them, I just don't know how to ask... So I spend most of my time in my classroom. I feel safe and secure in there, SIKE! I hate my classroom, I hate my school. All the girls are straight- or I think. I don't have the guts to ask any of them.. I don't really know anyone in this school other than the people I consider my friends.

That sadly- or not sadly- changed.

"Y/n!" I looked up at my teacher who signaled me over. "I need someone to take this to the gym. I need to get it to coach Ukai, if he's not there he may be in the teacher's lounge." "Why me..?" I asked sounding sweet instead of rude, the tone I would go with if she wasn't my teacher, "You aren't doing anything right now and-" Just then the bell rang. "Maybe after school." I nodded. I decided to hurry my ass up after school and get home- Dude! I could have lied and said that I had something to do after school! Now she won't believe me- maybe I Can just hurry up then.

I packed up my things quickly and was about to get out until I was interrupted. My teacher called me over, sadly she took 20 minutes to talk to a student!! Ugh I hate people, that's another 20 minutes to take away from doing anything but this!

She handed me the papers and nodded outside. I thought I'd start at the teacher's lounge thing. Mistake. He wasn't there. They told me to look in the gym, so I did so.

I pulled up my bag more and adjusted my glasses. I was outside the loud squeaky gym door before I opened it and walked inside. That's when I realized I didn't know who Coach Ukai was. I stood there idiotically as I saw a ball coming towards me, "Watch out!" Someone yelled as I put my head to the side before getting hit right in the chest making me slightly squeak as the papers flew out of my hand onto the floor.

My new position was my legs slightly spread apart after gaining my balance after the hit almost knocked me down, with my arms holding my aching boobs and my face red with embarrassment looking down at the papers. The squeaking of the shoes and the spiking of the balls stopped, look I know something! Be happy and proud! The floor came to a sudden stop, it was quiet for a few seconds, "GWA! Is she okay!!" "I don't know Hinata, why don't you ask her? You did hit her. Or better yet, help her out!" Someone else yelled.

A orange head came over as I was picking up the papers, he helped me out and asked if I was okay, "Yeah. I'll be fine." I replied quietly, "Why are you here?" Hinata asked in the sweetest voice possible, "Umm.. my teacher told me to give this to Coach Ukai.." I replied hoping they'd point me out to him. "What year are you?" Some other guy asked, "1st" I replied bluntly, "Oh wait really?" Another added, "You kinda looked like a 2nd year. Despite your height, then again Noya looks taller than you and is too a second year." Someone else pointed out.

I held up the papers, "So.. I don't really know who Coach Ukai is.." I replied awkwardly, "He'll be here in a little. My name's Daichi, I'm the volleyball captain. It's nice to meet you." He held out his hand, I shook it and sorta smiled, "Y/n. Nice to meet you too." "I'm Sugawara, I'm really sorry about the guys here, they are nice people I promise you, they don't get a lot of girl attention so.." "I don't either. I don't blame them. It's alright." Hinata gave me a questionable look, "You don't have friends?" "Well.. that too.." I answered awkwardly. I've never met the kid and now I'm telling him I have no friends? What is this world?

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