Yamaguchi~ Popular

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Note* there is cussing in this fan fic! Also I'm not a big fan of this one myself but like whatever, this is one of the only short ones I have...

Your POV

I pushed my stupid hair out of my stupid face and continued to work on my work, "Um.. Y/n..?" (Note all the 'populars' go by their first name) I looked up to see a sweet looking girl by the name of Lizzie, I smiled at her, "D-do you think you could help me with my English?" I nodded in agreement and helped her.

"Man, Y/n look at you, so popular and cool, gets confessed to about once every few months! So pretty and sweet and funny and smart and she could get any guy she wants!" I stopped my best friend, "Actually, Yuno, you are just as- if not more- popular than I am and I can get any guy BUT the one I really want" I sighed, "Sheesh Y/n, why do you want him? He isn't popular or cute-" "Shut up, I think he's cute and he doesn't have to be popular" I glared, "Well, you still seem to be a noob,  you have to date populars to stay popular, why not going for Tsukishima? He's just as popular as us and he's friends with Yama." "His name's Yamaguchi, and I don't want Tsukishima, I want his friend." "Well you can kiss those dreams goodbye if you don't find a way to talk to him." Yuno tapped her papers onto the desk making them neat before standing up.

"I mean, it's not like he's going to get a girl anytime soon. When it looks like he's getting confessed to he's not, it's just the girl wanting him to confess to Tsukishima for her.  He's the just the delivery boy, so you don't need to feel threatened" And with that the mean bitch walked away. I sighed in frustration thinking about what she said, she was right, but how do I talk to him?

"Well, there's always bribing someone to get your way" Yukki, Yuno boyfriend, replied with a shrug, "That's not the right way to get a guy, don't listen to them Y/n, I say use your surroundings to get what you want, unlike using someone, you could figure things out on your own!" Mirai smiled, "Yeah well, what's the point when you don't know where to look? She knows nothing about this guy, he isn't popular so she can't, and she's way to shy around the guys she likes." Nikki shrugged, "And outside of school she's just a bitch." Yuno smirked playfully at me, "Y/n, a bitch? Noo!" Nikki smiled, we all know my personality changes as soon as I'm away from everyone, I know the exact reasoning. It's because of my brother. He always annoyed me and that made me mad, that was until he passed, after that I became super sweet and shy because he told me 'don't be so mean, smile.. it suits you'

"Isn't the festival coming up?" Mirai asked with a mouth full of food, "Yeah, so?" I asked putting -no shoving- a Twinky into my mouth "You could bribe your class rep to set you up in the same group as him, your sweet, I'm sure she'll have no problem with that." "She has a point! Isn't that girl you helped with English earlier the class rep?" "Yeah, her name is Lizzie." I replied with the Twinky still in my mouth. "Perfect!" Yuno smiled.

"Y-Y/n? You wanted to talk? Are you okay?" Lizzie asked shyly, "Oh I'm great! But.. for the festival I was wondering if you could put me in the same group as Yamaguchi Tadashi?" "Ooh and me too!" Yuno blurted, "Of course! I'd be more then happy to!" She smiled brightly. "And keep your mouth zipped about it, you got it class rep? No one needs to know" Yuno growled "Yuno, stop, thank you!" "Will do, no problem!" I waved a goodbye to her as she smiled and waved back walking away.


I answered the door to see Yuno in a white dress with a white clutch, I was in a black crop top with a white skirt on top making it look nice, "I still don't see why you want to help out, I mean I know we offered to get the supplies and we have the money, but why the hell is it just us?" Yuno asked angrily, "They said we can keep the leftover money after, so I volunteered us! Plus I know the people there so I can get us a discount" I shrugged.

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