Living 'Abroad'~ Yama (Sequel) 3/4

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HAHA! Part 3~ Almost done!! I'm also so sorry for taking forever to upload this! I might do My Hero ones next because I just got into that... 

No ones POV

The next day at school everyone went about their day as if nothing had happened. When Kageyama went to his classroom he was not surprised he didn't see Y/n there.

When all the guys were in the gym practicing after school, no one was surprised not seeing Y/n.

It wasn't until Mika ran into the gym with a worried look plastered on his face, breathing heavily, and hair a mess, that people were surprised not to see Y/n.

"What do you mean she's not at home?" The coach asked Mika, trying to calm the boy down. "S-she didn't come home yesterday! She said she was going out with friends, so I asked the friends that I used to see her with a lot. When they said they didn't end up going because of the storm that there was yesterday so I was hoping that she maybe went with you guys!" He panicked. All the guys shook their heads, "Where did her friends say they didn't go?" Tsukishima asked, "I-I don't know.. I didn't ask that. As soon as they said that I assumed she wasn't there with them so I ran over here to see if you guys knew where she was- I'm so stupid! I didn't ask!" Mika ran out of the gym. "Wai-!"

Though the guys wanted to help find Y/n, they didn't know her well enough at this point in time to go look for her. So, they continued with their practice- but distracted.

The gym doors opened just as the boys were almost finished packing everything up. There, stood a figure. Upon further inspection the figure was a girl. A girl with blood covering her with dirty clothes. "F-fuck you guys for not telling me." She spoke up. Her eyes were stained red, puffy with sadness in them. Tear stains were being covered with new tears being shed at the moment. "Y/n?!" Hinata yelled in shock. "Why didn't you just tell me?!" She yelled in anger. 

"I spent months here, not even knowing what was really going on and you guys just let me walk away from you! What kind of friends are you!" She yelled, "Oh, wait sorry. This is just a whole anime, the plot moves on while I'm not here- right? Well. I see how it is. Whatever. Fuck you guys. I didn't even care!" She scoffed, "But.. but you know what I DO care about? The fact that I was spending time with my DEAD brother, and I didn't even KNOW he was dead- I didn't.. I didn't know I was dead... Some real friends you are." she glared.

Your POV

How could they just let me walk away like that? How could they let me yell at my DEAD brother? How could they let a dead girl walk around without her not even knowing she was dead! "Y/n!" I looked up, "M-M-Mika.." I grabbed my mouth in shock. "It's really you!" I ran to him and glomped him. "Woah- where were you-" "Why didn't you tell me we were dead" I cried. "Oh my- you remember!" He cried in joy. "Yes you asshole, and you didn't tell me!" I hit him.


"So I couldn't tell you. I also told the guys not to tell you either because the guy told me you would be in a lot of pain.." He told me. "I was. I'm back to how I would look after the accident. Clearly, this isn't fake blood." I looked at my ugly clothes. "Y/n. Please don't hate anyone for what happened. Not me, not the guys, not yourself." Mika put his hand on my dirty shoulder. "It just hurts that you wouldn't tell me what happened. I kept my distance from all of you because of anger. I was mad that you knew something about me that I didn't even know. It's unbelievably unfair.. But I know it was for my health.. So.. it's whatever I guess. Anyways, I'm going to get myself washed up, standing here dripping blood really isn't fun. "I'll help-" Both Hinata, Mika and Yamaguchi spoke up. "Oh- you can-" They all said at the same time. I rolled my eyes and walked out to do it myself.

"Y/n wait!" Yamaguchi ran out from the gym. "Please let me help you." I shrugged, "I won't stop you." I kept walking. "I'll go get the first aid kit." I nodded and sat down as he ran to get the first aid kit. "You're going to need to change when you get home but for now I can help with the cuts on your arms and legs." Yama grabbed some things from the first aid kit as I stared at him. All the memories of him, our times together, and my love for him were slowly coming back as he prepared things, "Are you okay?" He asked, making eye contact with me. I nodded and looked down at my bloody arms.

"Does it hurt?" He asked. I nodded, it hurt a lot. He took my arm and sighed, "This is going to sting but I have to do it." I closed my eyes and felt the pain, but this pain was nothing compared to what I had gone through when I got my memories back.

When he finished cleaning my cuts he looked at my clothes. They were all cut and I knew there was a lot more under my clothes but I knew he wouldn't want to help me with those. "Can you get Yachi or Kiyoko to help me with the cuts under my clothes?" Yamaguchi blushed and nodded. He stood up abruptly as I grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry" I whispered and stood up, "It's okay, you didn't remember." He smiled at me. The truth was that I was saying sorry for falling for Hinata before falling back in love with him. I pulled him towards me and kissed him. "Well, I'm back now." I hugged him softly so I wouldn't hurt myself.

I walked back into the gym with Yachi and Kiyoko, I was still in my gross clothes but I was all bandaged up. "Welcome back Y/n." Hinata smiled at me. "Thanks." I smiled back, "I think I should take Y/n back now. She's been through a lot and doesn't look too good." Mika told the others as he started to stand up. He put his hand on my side and smiled at me. I didn't smile or anything, I just followed my dead brother back to my non real house in an anime.

"So how long will you be here with me then?" I asked him as we walked. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "Since you're dead and all.." Mika laughed, "You're dead too Y/n." My heart started to pound, he was right. I was dead. I-

Mika's POV

Y/n fell on the floor passed out. I sighed and picked her up. Maybe I was a little too harsh when I said that.

~I do realize that I didn't really go into detail you're relationship with Hinata, but since Hinata is just naturally outgoing person, he always talked do you and therefore you started to develop feeling for the ball of sunshine, but I didn't go into detail so Im sorry!~

And scene!

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