Hinata [2/3]

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Reminder: Underline means you're speaking in English, otherwise it's Japanese

Third person POV

~The match~

Lev looked over at you and saw the tear, he paused in shock as the ball fell letting Kurasuno win a point as Nekoma yelled at Lev asking what was wrong, "S-sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" He replied quickly, "We can tell, stop being so distracted!" Yaku yelled, "Finally a girl's got your attention eh?" Yamamoto asked, "Lev. Y/n and Hinata are together, she's not available" Kenma stated not looking at Lev, he just nodded slowly looking back seeing the shimmer of the path the tear made, she didn't wipe it away..? He thought

For Y/n, I'm gonna win this match for her! Hinata thought to himself.

Your POV

Although they won the first half thing they lost the others, just by a point or 2! I congratulated Hinata although he was somewhat upset, "I'm sorry we didn't win Y/n." "Don't worry! The game was amazing! I really miss watching them" I smiled sadly again at him, "Are you okay?" He asked me, I nodded and handed him his water as he took it from me smiling. Fuk, I love this boy. Too much. I sighed and turned to my father who was talking with the Nekoma coaches about who knows what. He best not think I'm gonna leave Kurasuno.

"Dad you aren't thinking of moving again? Not for another 'better' school, right?" He looked at me quite shocked, "W-well. I know your mother would like to live somewhere in Tokyo, so if she really want to move we need a backup, not a bad thing to have a backup plan, right?" "I've left Hinata once and you know what that did to me. I'm not leaving him again" I stared deep into my father's eyes and I knew he understood, but I think he'd take my mom's side over mine, even if I were to go on my hands and knees and beg. I turned on my heel being greeted with Lev.

I backed up and smiled slightly at him, "H-hi" "What happened? With Hinata?" He asked curiously, he heard. "Nothing good" I mumbled, "Y/n here pretty much went through a phase. Pierced her ears, cut her hair and dyed it, wore lots of makeup and changed her clothing style. She was so upset about leaving her beloved boyfriend-" "Dad!" "Y/n? Dying her hair?" Tsukishima laughed "I have a picture!" My dad laughed "I wanna-" "No! We aren't looking at those pictures! It may have been a phase but phases can repeat!" "Then we'd see you either way" Tsukishima replied, "Yeah but then you'd have to live with it" I retorted, "She's got a point, do we want that?" Yamaguchi replied, "I don't know whether to thank you or ignore you Yamaguchi" I sighed, "Woah, there's no way that's Y/n" Lev mumbled, Tsukishima laughed and I sighed, I knew what picture it was.

"Me and Jacob." I replied in defeat. I was next to him smiling as he used my head as a hand rest. My hair dyed (Hair color) and I wore a black shirt tucked under a red skirt with black socks and flats. My arms were upwards trying to take his hands off, tbh it's my favorite picture. "I still own all those clothes, they're really cute and I like em." my hand was on my forehead, "And it wasn't fully for Hinata. What's the point in that?" "Your sadness" My dad answered. I gasped, "Me? Sad? When?" I sarcastically replied.

After the whole team saw what happened to me they asked how I changed, "Well. You see I redyed my hair, took off all the makeup changed my clothes, bam. Back to normal, though I still have my ears pierced" I shrugged, "Wait. Ohh I wanna dress someone up!" I yelled excitedly, "What?" Tsukishima asked, "Like how I used to dress! Put on their makeup, do their hair!" my hands clasped together and I knew my target, "Hey Yamaguchi~" I smiled, "E-eh? What?" He asked, "Come on I have my things in the bus still!" I ran to him, "Why don't you get your boyfriend to do it?" Tsukishima scoffed, "He's practicing, Please!!!" I begged as Yamaguchi looked at Tsukishima who shrugged.

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