Nishinoya~ Pick me

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Here's another already written and copy and pasted from Google Docs!

Your POV

I wasn't a troubled child, but compared to my brother and sister I was. I was the youngest, being a second year at Kurasuno, my sister being a third year at Kurasuno and my brother at college in the states.

I was constantly compared to my sister, after a while I got use to it and nothing that was said phased me. I just ignored it, rolled my eyes, or agreed annoyed. I was compared smartness wise, physical ability wise, look wise and other wises too. I hated being compared look wise. She had h/c hair, as did I, but hers looked 'nicer'. She had Blue eyes while mine were boring old poopy brown. She was tall and slim, while I was short.

Because of always being compared to her; my sister, Nico, became super absorbed into herself, being a bitch to me, so rude, and just plain old annoying. She always talked highly of herself no matter where we were! She was such a bitch to me and barely nice. Only sometimes. And sometimes was rare.

The one thing that pissed me off the most were the boys.

My sister had to have 120 boyfriends even if she was only 18. The worst part about it? Whenever I brought a boy over, whether it was to just hang out, work on a project, or rarely- he thought I was cute and wanted to hang out- my sister would always show up and they would automatically talk NON STOP about her, making me annoyed.

She knew this so she'd stay as long as they were here so she could talk about herself. When they left I'd get so emotionally pissed that crying my eyes out was my only way to get it out. I often tried not to cry and hold it in because it only made me look worse.

Because of that. Whenever I hurt myself and started to cry, I would let it all out. THAT made it LOOK like I was being overdramatic over a small cut on my lip, knee- or like now- my face.

I was on the floor crying my fucking eyes out in the middle of the road on a rainy day like this. My clothes were all dirty from the mud and my face cut from the fall. My best friend, Maki- who was quite found of Nico, went to get her, despite me telling her not to. Meanwhile I was getting soaked in the rain because she took the umbrella. It was pretty late because I was watching Maki at her soccer practice.

What I didn't expect was two guys to run over to me while I was on the floor balling. They put their umbrella over me asking if I was okay. "I'm fine.. It's fine.. I'm just letting it all out.. Ya know? All the troubles in this fucked up world?" I mumbled avoiding eye contact. They looked at each other but still kept the umbrella over me making small talk while we kinda just sat there.

"Y/n! What the fuck is wrong with you? Can you not get up or something?? I mean come the fuck on!" Nico yelled running over with an umbrella, "Maki I told you NOT to get Nico!" I spat at my best friend, "Do you really think I wanna look at something as pathetic as you sitting in the middle of the road balling your eyes out because you fell?!" She napped back, "I was letting at all out! All of your messed up doings! And my ankle hurts you asshat!" I glared, she then looked up at the boys and smiled, "I'm sorry about this.." She mumbled.

"Uhh.. no no it's okay! We wouldn't want a little girl laying on the floor cold and hurt!" the one with no hair smiled and blushed at her, "I'm 16." I mumbled, "And somehow you're a 5'1  and second year at Kurasuno- zip it Y/n. Don't have to be so rude" She spat, "Well I'm sorry I get called a 'little girl' while you get called a college lady while instead you're only a year older than I am!" I threw back, "Hey! I'm a second year at Kurasuno too! We both are!"

My ankle was twisted so the one named Tanaka ended up being nice enough to carry me back home. There we gave them one of our brothers clean shirts and invited them to tea. I'm sure they were more shocked than they showed it to 1. Be in a girl's house and 2. Nico's house, a really popular and cute 3rd year. "I'm gonna go, my parents are gonna kill me if I don't get home any time soon. Plus I gotta finish my homework" She bid goodbye and I waved, "AHH! I forgot to do my homework!" Nishinoya yelled in a panic, "What's your homework?" I asked casually as he showed me, "Hey! I think we're in the same class!" I smiled looking at his papers, "Really?" He seemed shocked as I nodded, "I did the homework if you want me to help you." "Thank you!" He yelled.

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