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I entered the room. I saw the little girl she has bandages all around her. I asked her.

Y/n:Hello? How are you?

Girl:Huh? Oh. I'm fine.

She coughs.

Y/n:May I know your name?

Girl:It's Sally.

(A/n:Thanks to @DMDserria118 )

Y/n:Sally is a beautiful name. My name is Y/n.

Sally:Y/n? That's a funny name.

Y/n:Yeah it is.

Sally:I want to see Mommy and Daddy.

I am saddened by her words. I told her about how death works. I hugged her.

Sally:They're n-not c-coming back?

Y/n:I'm very sorry Sally.

She cried and hugged me back. After awhile she fall asleep.

I went back to headquarters. Penny saw me I hugged her and I told her everything is going to be okay. I went back at the Hospital with Penny we talked and talked Sally always smiled but her condition gets worst.

I told her stories about the Seasons and more. As the days passed her condition gets way worst.

I studied about medical practices and stuff I studied all of it. The doc is right she needs Aura.

The next day the doctor said it's her last day here. They would do the surgery now. She unlocked her Aura it's very low. The risk of her surviving is very low.


Doc:I'm sorry we did all we can.

I cried she was just an innocent little girl. She died I wish could have done more for her. Everything fades to black I saw Purple guy. He doesn't have a face or anything he has a body of a human everything is Purple.

He just laughs I unsheathed my weapon and fought him as I stab him in the heart. My vision became clear it was Penny.

I woke up. I checked everyone they're okay. I sigh in relief. My nightmare is real it's her last day.

I got a concert with Flint I told Penny to look after her I'll be back later.


*Volume 7.

Ruby POV

We made it to Atlas. I am fascinated by Atlas all of it's technology and stuff. After running around Atlas We heard a Familiar voice it was Y/n he's singing. After his concert ended We greeted him by a hug.

*Weiss already told our status here in Atlas.



Y/n:Ruby? Yang? Dad?

Qrow:We thought we lost you.

We got back together. I also meet Oscar and Maria. We talked for a while..

Nora:Jaune finally unlocks his semblance.

They told me how his semblance works. I grabbed his hand and ran through the protest I told them to meet us at the hospital.

The Purple Petal(Fnaf Bonnie Male Reader x Rwby(Penny)Where stories live. Discover now