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I saw two guards guarding the door. I made a plan to sneak inside.I went outside. And started climbing to our window.

(Small Timeskip)

I made it at our window I punched it breaking the glass. And I entered inside.


Y/n:Wrong room.


I threw myself out of on the window.I crushed down hard on the ground.


???:Doess he know he we have a door right there.

???:I guess not.

???:People are getting weirder these days.

My plan failed.I decided to make a new plan. Pizza boy.


I BORROWED a Pizza delivery uniform and the Pizza I also used groucho glasses again to make sure they won't notice me.

Y/n:I have a Pizza delivery to Mr. Ayam?

Atlas Soldier:Hmmm..... Okay.

They opened the door and I entered inside.

Y/n:Pizza Delivery for Mr.Ayam

Azy grabbed the Pizza and payed me.

Azy:Keep the change.

Y/n:Okay thanks.

I left the dorm and went to the Pizza restaurant and did some deliveries. Then I remembered that I was sneaking inside our room. I was too focused on the delivery.




I went back to see our room and I saw the guards weren't there anymore.I ran and opened our door. Nobody is inside. Then I forgot it's my team's turn to fight in the doubles. I ran to the tournament. I wear my groucho glasses again.


I saw that Penny and Ciel won. Then I saw who was fighting next it was Yang & Weiss versus Coal & Neon. I can't decide to cheer on so I remained quiet.


Yang & Weiss won. I went to my team knocking out the guards again. I noticed I am wearing my disguised. They aimed their weapon at me.

Ceil:You are under arrest for harming authorities.

Penny:It appear that you committed a crime. I recommend turning yourself in.

Azy:Are you the Pizza guy?

I removed my disguised. They lowered their weapon.

Ciel:Oh its you.

Penny tackled me to the ground and hugged me.

Penny:Y/n! I missed you very much!

I pat her head and kissed her forehead.

Y/n:Glad to see you again Penny. I missed you too.

We stand up.

Ciel:Do you wish to explain why you are behaving this way?

Y/n:Does lack of freedom an answer?

Ciel:Hmmm... Okay.

Y/n:Anything new while I was away?

Ciel:Nothing Eventful.

Someone tapped my shoulder.


When I turned around to see who it is.It's Ironwood & Glynda I gave them a smile.

Y/n:Hehehe....Good Morning?


Glynda:It's afternoon.

Ironwood sighs and looked at me in the eyes.

Ironwood:Y/n you're coming with us and you three go back to your dorms

Penny:Permission to accompany you three?

Glynda looked at Ironwood.

Ironwood:Fine.The things we will show and tell you will be classified understand?

Penny/Y/n:Yes sir.

Ironwood:Good.You two go back to your dorm.


The Purple Petal(Fnaf Bonnie Male Reader x Rwby(Penny)Where stories live. Discover now