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"smoking cigarettes on the roof

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"smoking cigarettes on the roof. you look so pretty and i love this view. don't bother looking down we're not going that way. at least i know i'm here to stay"

"wait- what?" mingi's face was reddening and he didn't know what to say to hongjoong at the moment. meanwhile the older sighed looking at him "i said i think i might have to push our comeback a bit early".

"what do you mean?" mingi was confused his mind was playing tricks with him and his heart couldn't handle it. "i didn't wanna say anything cause you've all been working so hard and i don't want to stress anyone out" mingi nodded looking down at his hands.

just tell him mingi, it's now or never just do it.

"hongjoong i have-", "you know i'm so glad i have you to talk about this i thought i'd go crazy" hongjoong chuckled patting mingi's shoulder, mingi gave a sad smile to which hongjoong couldn't see acting as though he was fine.

"so what were you gonna say?" hongjoong asked looking at the male, mingi shook his head laughing a bit "n-nothing, it was nothing" he looked up at the sky above him trying his best not to cry.

"we should get going now don't wanna worry the members anymore than i already did" hongjoong stood up stretching his arms sighing, mingi followed behind him standing up as well.

"hongjoong i need to tell you something" mingi inhaled deeply looking at the male before him, his eyes shone brightly underneath the moonlight, he looked so ethereal and mingi didn't know if he had the balls to ruin what they had together.

"never mind let's just go" mingi turned around walking forward "mingi-" hongjoong grabbed mingi's hand bringing back "what do you want to tell me?".

mingi couldn't handle it anymore at any point he was going to break so he did it. he pulled hongjoong towards him, as he cupped his face pressing his lips against his.

they stayed like that for a few seconds before mingi pulled away apologizing more than once "i'm so sorry i just don't know what came over me i-" just then hongjoong pecked his lips shutting him up.

"don't apologize for showing your feelings to me" mingi's cheeks turned slightly pink as he placed his finger over his lips taking in what hongjoong just did to him.

did hongjoong really just kiss me?

"i've been trying to wrap my head around my feelings towards you, and tonight i finally figured them out" hongjoong grabbed mingi's hand bringing it up to his chest.

"you feel this? every time i'm around you my heart beats faster, or when you simply do something that makes me smile and have butterflies in my stomach it just all comes to one thing".

hongjoong grabbed both mingi's hands getting on his tip toes to which mingi laughed at causing him to get flicked by the older "anyways".

"i like you song mingi more than just a friend or a teammate. i like you as a yes i do want to be with you".

"ah shit here we go again" mingi started sniffling wiping the tears that weren't even there "do you know how long i have waited to hear those words coming out of you, all this time working to get the slightest bit of attention from you. ever since i met you my feelings never changed and i have never felt this way towards anyone".

mingi took a breath looking at hongjoong with a smile "sorry for such a long confession i've just always wanted to tell you this but never knew how and well you just did it and now we're here me being a little sad bitch and well you just being a cute little baby".

hongjoong scoffed crossing his arms "i'm not a baby, nonetheless cute". mingi shook his head in disagreement "you are baby. and that is final" hongjoong rolled his eyes smiling cheekily at the other.

"so what does this make us?" hongjoong asked looking up at, "well i for one want to take you out on a proper date and then maybe things will change a little" mingi said as he started walking holding hongjoong's hand.

"wow what a gentlemen, never thought you had it in you" mingi looked at hongjoong in disbelief letting go of his hand "oh the betrayal" mingi whined holding onto his heart "oh god i can't take this".

"aish stop being such a baby and come hold my hand" hongjoong said laughing at mingi. "alright alright i'll stop only if you admit that you're a baby", "i- ugh fine" hongjoong sighed stopping where he was at while mingi looked at him with pure joy.

"i, i'm baby" mingi almost squealed at how cute hongjoong sounded as he pulled him into a hug giving him kisses everywhere "yah stop i'm t-ticklish" just then mingi began tickling the older as he broke out in laughter to the brink of tears.

"i like you hongjoong".

"i like you too mingi".

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