The Strike Team Assembled

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Sojourn's new strike team was the new topic everyone in and out of Overwatch was debating. A team leader that young and inexperienced? A former Blackwatch member and cyborg? A hyper-intelligent gorilla. And a felid medic dressed as an angel.

Sojourn had brought them aside in the hanger for a moment. Angela had to admit to herself the new costume was growing on her. To her left stood Genji who was now in white and green, she much prefers this look on him. To her right stood Winston and tracer, Angela was excited to see how they would do in the field as they already were great friends. 

Angela would be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to working with Genji. Mccree had said on more than one occasion that Genji was something else on the field. On the other hand, since Genji's last mission he had been more reserved. Maybe that was to do with the fight they had last month. Anglea would have to try and speak to him sooner or later.

Genji wasn't following what Sojourn had to say, he had already gone through the mission brief three times (mostly out of boredom). Instead, his mind wandered somewhere else. He couldn't understand why he was on this mission or strike team. It felt like he was just on this mission because he had nothing else. Ever since he failed to kill Hanzo everything felt so meaningless. All he had was what Overwatch had given him. He has no family and what friends he may have, Genji just pushed them all away. He had to do something, however, so he would distract himself with this strike team. Maybe he could do some good now he was out of Blackwatch.

The team boarded the orca. Tracer was the first one on and seemed the most enthusiastic about the mission. Winston was nervous and rightfully so it was his first mission out on the field after all. Mercy seemed content but Genji could see she was just as nervous as Winston. 

The mission seemed fairly easy, Overwatch had just gotten the news that a new threat was rising in the talon, the third Doomfist. He was rising throughout the Talon hierarchy in any way possible including killing the opposition, Overwatch had received a tip-off that his next target was Jonas Meyer, a Talon leader in Germany who owned a private military training base. The strike team's mission was to infiltrate the base and extract Meyer before Doomfist could get there.

As the Orca took off the atmosphere was awkwardly silent, the only noises being the engines of the Orca and Winston calibrating his new weapon. Mercy looked to Tracer to give her a reassuring nod and finally, the small brit spoke up. 

"If the Orca continues en route we should be there in half an hour, now I haven't worked with both Winston or Genji before but this mission relies heavily on you two." Tracer took a breath to try and overcome her nerves of leading a team for the first time. "We are infiltrating a military training base so it will be safe to assume they will be armed to the teeth, Winston and his shield will have to be our main source of cover if things turn out bad and Genji our main source of firepower. However, if things all go to plan we should be in and out without a scratch"

Tracer then stood up and pulled up a map of the compound. "As can be seen, most of the compound is external while there are only three main buildings. This building here is where Meyer should be." Tracer said pointing to the largest building. "So the plan is simple, Winston and I shall be at the east end of the compound and will plant an EMP. Once it is planted we will all move out of range and detonate it. After the detonation, Genji and Mercy will enter the building where Meyer is hold up and retrieve him in the meantime Winston and I will continue to distract them until Genji and Mercy have successfully exfiltrated Meyer. And we will all regroup at the LZ" 

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Sojourn spoke over comms. 

Angela smiled at tracer "Thank you tracer." 

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