Games Night

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With the recent drama and all the headlines, Blackwatch had been suspended by Jack Morrison. He believed that suspending Blackwatch would keep Overwatch out of the headlines. For Genji, that meant a lot of free time, however, it also meant secret missions which he could tell no one. Now, Genji mostly spent his time training and perfecting his skills (which came easily with his cybernetic body). A lot had happened since Blackwatch had been suspended. Lena was now again recognised as an Overwatch agent. This, however, didn't do much to fix Overwatch's reputation. Genji had been spending a lot of time with Angela, who was spending most of her time developing a field medic suit. For some reason, Genji winced every time he thought of Angela going into battle, even though he knew she was fully qualified.

Genji had also taken a liking to the cowboy, probably because he was forced to on his mission. However, Jesse was a good man for someone who used to be in a criminal gang which meant Genji could relate to him. This lead to them having a conversation Genji wished they didn't. 

"Genji, I can't be the only one that has noticed Reyes is acting..." Mccree stopped speaking as some passers-by walked past. "He is acting unusual." Genji knew exactly what Mccree was talking about. Antonio's assassination. Genji didn't exactly agree with Mccree. Probably because Mccree was a black and white person, you were either good or you were evil but Genji knew more than most that not everyone was just good or just bad. If Reyes had to compromise for the sake of justice so be it. Lately, Reyes had been compromising a bit too much and even Genji knew something was up.

"It is probably best we don't discuss this here, Mccree." Genji tried to stop him before someone heard. Jesse nodded with guilty eyes. Jesse was almost like a son to Reyes but that meant Jesse knew him best. If Reyes was out of place Jesse would know.

Genji put that conversation in the back of his head. Instead, he focused on a rather annoyed Angela looking at him. Even when she looked annoyed, Genji couldn't help but notice her deep blue eyes staring at him. He didn't deserve her.

"Are you even listening?" The cyborg was jolted out of his thoughts and back into reality. 

"Yes, of course." The cyborg said instinctively. Angela raised an eyebrow as if to say 'really?' Genji had dug his own grave maybe if he just spurted out medical terms he would be right. "You were talking about... the err... cells and ... respiration and DNA." Angela just shook her head. " Sorry, I was thinking about a conversation I had with Jesse."

"Well, I'll let you off this time, only because no one else lets me talk to them about my new suit," Angela said while pointing an incriminating finger at the ninja.

"Probably because you bored them to death," Genji said under his breath.

A well-aimed pen hit Genji in the face after that comment, which he probably deserved. Time suddenly seemed to slow down, the cyborg was focused on Angela who was laughing at him. Genji wanted more than anything in to take her in his arms and tell her how beautiful she was. Genji couldn't though if he was in Hanmura he probably would have. The thought of his cyborg body touching hers just felt alien. He was a weapon, she was an angel.

However, those ideas were juxtaposed when Angela took his hands in hers. Angela's warm hands guided him towards her new suit. Her steady hands placed his on the fibres on the suit. It felt a lot like his synthetic muscles and skin.

"You know without you this suit would not have been possible. I would've never have learned how to bond my nanomachines to synthetic fibres." She paused to look at Genji but then frowned. "I wish you didn't have that stupid thing covering your mouth, I can never tell if your smiling or not."

Genji suddenly felt brave. "I wish I didn't have this covering my mouth so I could kiss you." Genji released his faceplate to reveal a damaged jaw but he was smiling. Thier lips met as the two kissed.

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