Life and Death

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Genji needed to clear his mind. Too many thoughts haunted him and they all seemed to originate back to Angela. The unfamiliar halls of the Overwatch compound were easy to get lost in and Genji was kind of hoping to get lost. The walls were so white and clean he could see his reflection in them. He tried to ignore his human arm that he despised. It was the only part of him that reminded him that he was human, no amount of cybernetics could take that from him and neither would Angela. 

Genji stopped when he heard someone talking. He listened in but it wasn't very clear. Genji investigated the source of the sound when he saw an open door. Genji was debating if he should look any further until he heard the voice call out to him.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Genji was probably silent enough that he could walk away but he reviled himself.

What came next Genji did not expect. There stood a gorilla in what looked like an improvised lab coat, smiling at him. The Gorilla looked apologetic at Genji. "Oh? My name is Winston." Genji wasn't wondering what his name was, Genji was more interested in why there was a talking Gorilla. Genji stood in the doorway dumbstruck.  

"Oh silly me. You're probably wondering why I can talk. I'm afraid the best answer you'll get is that it's a long story " Winston said.

"Ok..." Genji still was unsure if he was crazy or not.

Winston did not say much more, he just got back to his work and opened another peanut butter jar. Genji could see the amount the amount of peanut butter he ate from the vigours amount of lids everywhere around his workstation. Genji was unsure if he wanted to stay and watch the gorilla any longer.

"What are you doing?" Genji asked unsure if he would get a clear answer.

Winston looked at Genji in suspicion before briefly replying "Working on something." 

Genji rolled his eyes he left the strange gorilla to continue to work it was clear Genji was not wanted at this time of night. Genji walked the halls of the facility once more. Cold air hit Genji's face as he stepped outside into the starlit sky. For a moment Genji just let the cool wind bring him down to earth. 

Genji couldn't help it his mind went back to yesterday when he broke down in front of Angela. How could he? He was a weapon, not a man, weapons did not have emotions that crippled them. Weapons did not care about people they killed people. What troubled Genji even more that Angela was so easy to forgive him after what he had done.

Without any warning, the sky opend up and white particles fell down to earth. Genji used to love the snow in Hanamura. Its cold sharpness was rather refreshing to him, but now, he felt nothing all there was was a numbness in everything. Genji opened his abiotic hand to catch the snow but it was fruitless as the snow disappeared in his hand. 

Genji heard footsteps behind him and his hand instinctively went to his blade ready to stop the intruder. Instead, he saw Ana Amari, looking quite puzzled at the cyborg who was staring back at her. Genji removed his hand from his sword. He turned around not wishing to interact with the second in command but he was stopped when she cleared her throat.

"Doctor Ziegler has spoken of you a lot recently I don't believe we have met like this informally, I mean," Ana spoke to Genji. "Don't you just love the snow? I never saw snow before I joined Overwatch, back in Egypt you were lucky to get rain. I must say if you want to see a lot of snow then I recommend Canada it is lovely up there."

Genji turned around to see the woman smiling slightly. Ana was holding a phone in her hand. Genji shot the phone a glance wondering who she was contacting. 

"I was just calling my daughter, Fareeha. You might meet her she spends a lot of time here but if I'm honest I wish she didn't. Nobody wants there child to fight but Fareeha she tells me that she wants to be like one of those heroes."

" Hmm." Genji hummed thinking about how he gushed over Hanzo when he was young. Genji always wanted to be like his big brother. Hanzo would always tell Genji about the risks but that didn't mean I anything to Genji.

Ana put a hand on Genji's shoulder startling him a little. "Genji, you seem like a good man. I don't know very much about you but what I do know is what you looked like on that flight from Hanamura. You are very lucky to be alive." Genji was tired of being told how lucky he was, they acted like it was his fault he ended up like this. He didn't have a choice. "So don't reflect on the past, look to the future that's what I try to do every day because if I didn't the faces of the men I have killed would haunt me forever. "

"With respect, it's not the people that I have killed that haunt me. It's the person that killed me." Genji said. "How do I forget him?"

Ana looked at him, Genji swore he could see the fear in her eyes. "Time heals all wounds," Ana said before leaving Genji on his own again. The cyborg's eyes went back to the Swiss sky as snow fell around him.

Genji was back in Hanamura. Snow was falling as Genji clumped up snow next to him. Genji looked at the ammunition next to him as he aimed a snowball at Hanzo. Genji, however, was too late, Hanzo had already thrown it and it him square in his face the cold sting made Genji clutch his face. Hanzo's face turned to guilt instead of enjoyment. Hanzo helped his younger brother back home.

Genji was pulled out of the dream when a snowball flew towards him. Genji cut the snowball in half with his blade. The action was so instctive he hadn't even realized he drew his sword. Reyes stood in front of Genji with a coat in his hands. "You not feeling cold, kid?" Reyes offered the coat to Genji, who took it and put it on.

"I can't feel it anyway," Genji said. He was surprised Reyes knew where he was and cared enough to give him a coat. 

"Why are looking at me like that?" Reyes questioned. "Anyone would think I just asked you to do magic." Reyes laughed at his own joke, he had to because Genji wouldn't. "Anyway, you should get some rest and not out in this cold. We don't want the doctor to treat you for frostbite now do we?"

Genji was shown to his living quarters by his commander. Reyes left him to catch up with sleep. When Genji did fall on to his bed. He fell straight to sleep still with the coat that Reyes had given him.

Authors note: I know nothing really happened in this chapter. But, I felt like I had to establish a few relationships with Genji. Plus I wanted to show a lighter said to Reyes. I almost forgot. This story has reached 1k views so thank you all for reading and you can expect a new chapter soon. If you have any criticism/ ideas feel free to comment them. 

Merciful Hearts (Genji x Mercy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin