A Caged Bird

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She was ordinary yet beautiful out of all the planned marriages Genji turned all of them down. His father trying to control Genji's life however he soon learned Genji would not be tamed. Girls with too much money tried to hide what they really looked like. Angela didn't she wore plain clothing nothing exotic. Yet Genji wore his usual attire, his green scarf over black clothing just excluding all the armor. The green in his hair was fading and pure black was showing quite clearly at his roots.

Angela waved with a smile on her face which Genji reciprocated. They were just out side 8-bit hero. (Genji planned where they would meet.) In Genji's head, it was perfect Ramen and the arcade what could go wrong? 

"Good Evening Genji," Angela said in Japanese.

Genji cocked his head to one side. "You told me you spoke English," Genji replied in English.

"I do that's as far as my Japanese goes," Angela said which Genji laughed.

"It's still morning," Genji said smiling.

"Yeah I know," Angela said confused.

"You said good evening," Genji said.

Angela found her self-looking behind her more often than not she was still wary of the Shimada clans she was checking she was not being followed. Although if they were doing it right she would not know she was being followed it looked like the coast was clear.

 Genji dominated most of the conversation on their little journey that did not bother Angela so much. She liked hearing about Genji's favorite restaurant and how he almost choked to death there. She did notice a specific lack of talk about Genji's family but that was to be expected it was only their first date. 

"We are here!" Genji exclaimed. 

Angela laughed, they were at an arcade and Genji literally made them walk in a circle just so he could have his Grand reveal. Trust Genji, the son of a wealthy man to spend all of his money gambling. "You're taking me to an arcade. For a date." Angela said with one eyebrow raised.

"I'm not taking you to any arcade. I'm taking you to." Genji paused for dramatic effect. "8-BIT HERO!" Genji said with his arms outstretched.

"Cool," Angela said underwhelmingly. 


"What did you want me to say?" Angela asked. 

"I Don't know how about: Oh Genji that's awesome," Genji said impersonating Angela's Swiss accent.

Angela looked at Genji skeptically and sighed she decided to let go the fact of him impersonating her. 

Inside the arcade, Genji Imidatly went to a console, his hands gliding over the controls. Angela watched how Genji easily mastered the game, his score-raising rapidly. Genji looked like this was all muscle memory. Genji easily made the top ten although he was already number one.

Angela was never big into video games but she could tell when someone was doing well. She wondered how Genji had time for video games when he had to do training with his family. Genji caught on that she was staring at him and gave her a cocky smile. "Impressed Angela?"

"I've seen beter." Angela tried invite some challange.

"Perhaps you should have a try. If I'm not that good I suppose you could do better."

Angela sat in front of the console her hands testing the controls. Genji guided her hands to the buttons. His hand felt rough and battered for someone so young. His close proximity did not disturb her and his hands were pleasantly warm.

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