Mission Report

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One dim light hung loosely in the middle of the room. It's light not strong enough to eradicate all the shadows in the room, unlike the main halls of the Overwatch facility, which were almost blinding exposing every last object under its glare. A one-way mirror also was to the right with what could only be inspectors behind it. Genji sat at the table which had there not been microphone would be completely bare. Without warning, Jack Morrison and Ana Amari walked into the room. Thier posture was professional and strict. Jack was the first one to speak.

"Start from the beginning." Commander Morisson ordered. After a moment of silence of Genji not speaking Jack's fist clenched. "What happened in Venice?"

Genji stayed silent collecting his thoughts. "We completed all our objectives the mission was a success." Genji was being honest because in his opinion the mission went well and Reyes performed well under pressure.

"If it was a success what do you call this?" Ana said slamming a newspaper on the desk. The first thing Genji saw was a silhouette of himself on the front of the paper. The paper read: OVERWATCH'S SECRET WEAPON EXPOSED KILLING BUSINESSMAN! Genji stopped for a moment not quite registering what had happened. Then there was anger. Is that what the news thought about him? Weapon? Not man.

"Now, did Reyes have an option when killing your target, could he have resolved it another way?" Jack asked losing his patience.

"He did what was most appropriate at the time," Genji answered in spite still thinking about the newspaper.

"But he still could have carried out your first objective," Ana added to the interrogation.

"If he did our target would not have received proper justice for his crimes," Genji said meaning every word of it.

Jack scowled. "Hmph, you're dismissed."

Sometime later Genji found himself in the familiarity of Angela's office due to Angela's request of how he must see her after his "meeting". Angela looked gorgeous as usual, her hair tied up into a ponytail with her fringe tucked behind her ear. This only exposed her sea blue-eyed staring quite intently back at Genji. Only then noticing he had been staring Genji cleared his throat and looked away.

"Genji?" Angela chirped up. Genji pretended to find the wall quite interesting. "Are you okay? I saw the papers. And if it helps you know they are only doing it for attention. No one here thinks of you as a weapon."

"I don't really want to talk about it. If that's the reason you called me here, I think its best I leave." Genji said.

"No Genji I-I." Angela sighed turning red. "I just wanted to see you and make sure your okay."

"You did?" Genji "Oh well, thank you. A-are you okay?" Genji was suddenly a twelve-year-old boy talking to his crush again.

Angela smiled. "I'm fine Genji. Thank you. I just wanted someone to talk to."

Genji smiled underneath his faceplate. "I'm not the best person for that, unfortunately. I mean I can only talk when I'm wearing this thing that covers everything but my eyes." Genji paused for a second. "I was wondering actually..." Genji rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I need a haircut but I don't know how to remove this thing from my forehead."

"Oh?" Angela looked embarrassed. "It's not supposed to come off but if you would like I could help you with the haircut."

"That would be great, thank you," Genji said.

After half an hour of Angela asking if he was fine with his haircut. Once she was finally done worrying. Genji thanked her for her kindness as he inspected his new haircut. It was nothing fancy it was just shorter than usual.

Angela stood looking at him still worried she had messed it up. "It's fine Angela. You don't have to worry you did a perfect job." Angela went bright red.

"Sam used to make me cut his hair all the time. So I've got a little bit of experience." Angela shrugged off the compliment.

"You cut your own hair because it looks good?" Genji asked. 

"God no! I'll mess up someone else's hair but not my own." Angela said to which Genji laughed audibly.

"As you can imagine when I died my hair green, Hanzo never let me do anything to my hair ever ag-." Genji suddenly stopped. His mind flooding with memories of his brother. All of them lead to there fight. The echoing sound of dragons replayed in his head and the mocking laugh of his brother. 

Genji's breakdown stopped when Angela laid her head on his chest. "Well, I think green suits you." Genji looked down at the angel resting her head on him. After a moment of appreciated silence, Angela looked up at Genji. "Are you okay with this?" Genji gave Angela a confused look. "Are you happy with us?"

Genji was unprepared for this question. The answer, however, was obvious of course he was. Angela was the one thing that kept him sane. "Angela, this is the only time in my day when I experience true happiness. What don't I understand is why you're happy? You could do so much better than me."

Angela smiled sweetly "You underestimate your self, there is no else on this earth that I would rather share this moment with."

"Thank you, Angela."

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