A New Look

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"I can keep the wings?" 

"I don't see why not?"

Angela ran her hands over her costume, it was currently displayed in front of her and Torbjorn. She had to admit she had gotten used to the blue. It had made her feel like she was part of something. Even if that 'something' had the UN breathing down its neck. 

Torbjorn grunted to get Angela's attention. She turned to him, he was currently rubbing his beard in thought. "How about gold?"

"Gold?" Angela questioned unsurely.

"Well, I was thinking you already have wings why not go the extra mile and go full on angelic." Torbjorn was being deadly serious much to Angela's surprise. 

"Well one thing is for sure I'm not having a Halo-"

"Halo! Good idea, If Commander Morrison wants us to look more like individuals, then you can be the angelic field medic. Even fits with your call sign." Anglea had no time to interrupt Torbjorn, he was too busy planning it all out. "I'll come back later with some designs."

Angela shook her head in disbelief. Once Torbjorn was started on an idea there was no stopping him so she didn't even bother to try. Torbjorn was about to leave her office before a thought popped into Angela's mind.

"What about Blackwatch? Are they having a change in appearance? Now that they have been  sidelined." Angela asked. Her real intention was Genji and if he would need his cybernetics updating. 

Torbjorn grunted, "Yeah they probably need it the most. Don't worry I've already been working on something for the cyborg." Angela sighed. "I'll need your opinion on it in a bit."

"Thank you, Torbjorn" Angela smiled. Torbjorn shrugged and left, Angela knew he meant well.

It wasn't even five minutes of peace before someone else had burst into Angela's room. It was Reinhardt and he looked distressed. He was out of breath as if he had just run to her office. Not far behind him was Jack Morrison trying to calm the giant down. 

"Dr Ziegler!" Reinhardt panted. "Tell this mad man I'm in perfect health!" Reinhardt was loud enough for everyone in the HQ to hear. 

Angela was almost scared to see the man so desperate. However, even she knew what sort of state he had been in recently. "Calm down Reinhardt. You will accomplish nothing by shouting your lungs out. Sit down and we will talk like adults." Angela reasoned.

Reinhardt's eye scanned the room as if looking for any potential threats, he looked to Jack Morison before sighing and taking a seat. Jack followed him in but approached Angela and whispered under his breath "Its about his retirement."

Angela looked back to Reinhardt. Physically he was fine he was probably still as strong and healthy as when Angela first met him. However, on a recent mission, it was shown that his mental health was not up to par. According to his teammates, he was hallucinating in the middle of battle. It pained Angela to know that no one could resume fighting after that.

"Do I not look fine to you Doctor?" Reinhardt asked.

"You and me both know this isn't about how you look." His head pointed to the ground as if he was a child that had just been scolded. " We have already had someone look at the other side of your health." Angela tried to remain as professional as possible but it was hard to tell one of her closest friends he was not able to do the job he loved anymore.

The commander spoke up "If there was any other way you know I would try but it's impossible." He put a hand on the crusader's shoulder. "Everybody here respects you and knows what your contributions."

"What about the strike team?"

"Someone else will have to lead them." Jack rubbed the bridge of his nose. "We will throw you a party." 

"I don't want to celebrate it." The German man grumbled. "I don't want to leave." 

"Nobody wants you to leave either. It's out of our hands now." Jack looked at Angela, who was almost as upset as Reinhardt. "Let's get out of Angela's hair."

The two men slowly walked over to the door to Angela's office. "Reinhardt," Angela called out with her voice cracking. He turned around to be embraced by Angela. She held him tight trying to make the poor man feel better. He patted her on the back before they both had to let go.

"Goodbye. Mercy."       

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